What Movies Have You Seen Recently?

I saw Firefly after I finished watching Serenity. Also, finishing up the series Dead Like Me.
Firefly is the epitome of awesome shininess! Sorry couldn't hold it in.

I've just watched Solaris, the old Russian version, and it mostly reminded me of everything that I didn't like about 2001 (the movie not the year.)

Five minutes of cars driving. Just driving. No point to it, just driving because the director wanted to travel to Japan, and had to have some footage to justify it.

I cried a little...

But there was a midget (dwarf) trying to escape a laboratory that totally caught me by surprise and had me laughing for like five minutes straight, so I guess that made up for the driving.

My current favorite movie is In Bruges. Love it!
I watched Bruno last night. Not as funny as Ali G In House or Borat. The funny parts it had were killed off by distasteful scenes, wouldn't recommend it.

If you can handle a little blasphemy here and there.... Then yeah, I'd recommend seeing "God on Trial" I found it was quite a good drama. Also I think it is based on true events.

Apart from a small amount of time on other scenes... The entire drama is filmed in one prison cell heh....

They setup a court, and place YHWH on trial for void of contract. (covenant breach).

There were some real interesting p.o.v. And one of the three judges, who was a professor before being placed in the death camp, He had some really good ways of wording things specially when speaking to one jew about the murder of his mother.
Wow someone else who has seen it! Sweet :D

Currently watching 'Bruno'... About 30 mins or so into this film, and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone... lol It is really, really poor, and unfunny.

the poster put me off, as well as whatshisname as#####:D
It has my favourite freaking Hava Nagila trance mix on it... That is about the -only- thing about this which is good..... Ah man.... I love that mix... The best 20 seconds of this film....

Question, Dauer.. Is all of this staged? Or is it a little like organised acts in public/real life..... Like when he runs through the streets of Israel.. And he steals a rabbi's hat.. Or when he crashes the cat walk... Or When he is interviewing the parents that sell out their kids to make money....

This can't be real... he's all like.... "can you kid be crucified? acting like a baby jesus?" And their like yes.... And can they go by heavy machinery or opperate it... And one mother is prepared to liposuction her kid to get it a job... And is then thrilled to learn that the kid will be dressed as SS and will be wheel barrowing another kid dressed as a jew into an oven... lol that **** can't be real...
There may be a person or two that's in on it but as far as I know most of the participants are marks.
There may be a person or two that's in on it but as far as I know most of the participants are marks.
Exactly...one thing the guy has balls of steel. But the abuse of the marks is downright sickening.

Alan Keyes and Ron Paul...he fed on their need for publicity and went to town on them both...
@ Natvi Seriously it was terrible I watched it at the cinema and couldn't really leave cause I was with a date (and no the date isnt a cover up) and I couldn't fast forward it! Basically if you want to watch gay sex and swingers sex watch Bruno!
To have balls of steel, doesn't make up for the Lack of brains, manners and dignity.

Anyway thank god that film has finished.... I give it 1/10. Going to watching something that I am sure will really give decent entertainment now. 'Ice Age 3'
Yeah true.

Ali G in house was pure funny though it all started going downhill after that.

I still need to watch ice age 1, seen 2 might d******* 3
Brains isn't the correct phrase, I meant, you know Comic Genius... Or level of thought and such... It seemed like a loose load of bollocks... I am sure in my GCSE's I made far better works... As did others, and this is a cinema/hollywood "hit"? It just ain't right...... You have liquid gold like... 'Madea goes to jail' which got hardly any rep/advertisment... And it was as I said liquid gold... Yet this load of arse gets plugged like crazy...

PM; ICe age 3 so far is pretty good....already laughed more than in Bruno lol.... You have to see the first one, that has the most "emotional" story/plot, sure the second is good and such... But the story of the first... Is sweet.
I just watched Inkheart, and I loved it. Made me wanna read the book. It was a really great story with a neat premise. I bet the book is better tho... Books usually are, and with a story like that I can't see how the book wouldn't be better. :D

But yeah, good movie.

Has anyone seen Kiss Kiss Bang Bang? Good un.