Bwahaha hehehehohoho... (*.*) ... (-.^) ... lol, it's not that I don't download... It's just that when you download, it's just a
movie... when u see it in the theater (mine's never cramped or smelly, and i make damn sure to bring lots of friends to surround myself with to avoid the unclean peasantz, lol.) as I was saying, when u see it in da theater, it's an
experience. I just smuggle junk in if I wanna eat or drink sumptin, and if people are annoying I throw popcorn at em. Plus there is that gynormous screen... that helps... and I like the previews, helps me out if I'm ever, ehem, fashionably late... that never happens... don't listen to me, I'm crazy!

Certain movies are just... a lot better in a theater. Have u eber watched a scary as hell movie when you were the only one in the theater? Like... the grudge. It was da shizzzz in da theater, but it sucked, like a lot when it got watched at home.
It's the awesome! Bestest way to watch a scary movie eber!
Now if I could just figure out a way to smuggle in pizza...