I loved the whole concept....as the end played out you went back thru your mind to see all the info...
Like "New York" and "District 9" it challenged conventional wisdom....
You still banging on about NY?
Films I've seen latley.... Hmmm
"Keeping Mum" Filmed here in Cornwall.... Freaking awesome Film made in 2005 I am not sure how I missed it... I think it may of been because it has Rowan Atkinson in it.. And I tend to really...... Really, dislike him. But he stepped out of his usual characters and played the priest of the village of little Wallop really well.... Great film...... I am POSITIVE this is loosley based on true events as I recall seeing something like "women who kill" about female serial killers that had the same kind of story...
Uhm.... Saw "9" It was ok.... Didn't think that much of it...
Uhm.... What else I seen. YEAR ONE!!! LOL! Great film.... Jack Black... He plays this like cave man/primitive monkey/ hunter from a tribe... And him and his buddy 'OH' Get kicked out the tribe and they go on a journey... They meet Cain and Abel.... lol which is cool... OH and their brother Seth! lol what a goon. They Meet the Jews and Then get bored with that and with the risk of their foreskins, leave for Sodom... lol.
Gamer..... That Sucked badly... I felt Like I had been stabbed in the nuts. I read the idea thought cool... Got the old expectations going.... And it was just a modern version of "the running man" which was poorly done in my personal opinion and any that say different are big fat headed liars. *nods*
The tournament..... *makes fart sounds*
Uhm..... Can't think of much else I've seen latley.... Been stuck on my TV series (V, Dexter, Eureka, flashforward and so on...)
Currently watching the old TV series 'V' lol Marc Singer is a god... Chuck Norris has NOTHING on Marc Singer.
Got a film called Shorts.... Gonna watch that sometime soon.... Oh yeah got moon too. I'll watch that at some point too.
Wish list:
I really want to see, "Men that stare at goats." The dude is a drill SGT... How awesome is that.