I think we have a winner!
- c -
What did you cost?
What's new with me? Hmmm ...
I recently went back to work full time.
My husband is looking for a new job.
I'm studying neoplatonism and gnosticism.
I had my hair highlighted.
I'm not sure, but I think I've discovered I have an allergy to wheat.
Not much.
Hmm, perhaps I should change my avatar to remind me to keep my mind open to the possibility that I might have a fish fetish? How's this one?Hi ciel,
Is this available in pictorial form please?
Hmm, perhaps I should change my avatar to remind me to keep my mind open to the possibility that I might have a fish fetish? How's this one?
She scratched at my door and just came in when I opened my door (as her species is wont to do.)