I really don't give it much thought.
But, if we didn't have the 2nd we wouldn't have met the Merovingian. Who in my mind is another aspect of the devil. As are the Agents.
The major aspect of Matixism is found in the initial 1999 movie, regarding theme.
When I first saw The Movie, around 2003, I recall there was no other movies available at the video store at the time, so I opted for The Matrix. I didn't like it so much with my Christian perspective due to all the profanity involved, and using the name of the Lord etc.
But then they were showing repeats on T.V., where they left all that out, I realized the Wachowski's were on to the genuine situation which we are dealing with.
So, the first Matrix, and the theme has the real message.
I began noticing correlating verses in the scriptures, which I've been sharing.
I've realized the the NDE, and OBE's are sharing the same message, which corresponds with the Biblical message.
That, the greater Truth and reality involves the timeless and eternity, not this temporal situation within this current world, or Matrix.
"The majority of people are captured within the matrix of nature, submerged in a sea of materiality.
We must pray they be reborn, receive a new spirit, and in the end a recipient of divine bounties."
Who also stated -
"Likewise, man, no matter how much he may advance in worldly affairs and make progress in material civilization, is imperfect unless he is quickened by the bounties of the Holy Spirit; for it is evident that until he receives that divine impetus he is ignorant and deprived.
For this reason Jesus Christ said, “Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.” By this Christ meant that unless man is released from the material world, freed from the captivity of materialism and receiving a portion of the bounties of the spiritual world, he shall be deprived of the bestowals and favors of the Kingdom of God, and the utmost we can say of him is that he is a perfect animal.
No one can rightly call him a man. In another place He said, “That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.” The meaning of this is that if man is because he is only a body physically born—that is, he belongs to the world of matter and remains subject to the law and control of nature. But if he is baptized with the Holy Spirit, if he is freed from the bondage of nature, released from animalistic tendencies and advanced in the human realm, he is fitted to enter into the divine Kingdom."
It was inevitable that I would become aware of these things in my spiritual walk, as it is part of the program and destined, just as your path is also a known, and part of the same.