Why We Need a Savior

OK, then do I understand correctly that you believe that you are a believer, and a member of the Body?


So, anything you think about the Bible is correct interpretation.

No. I dont understand eschotology.

God has given you this authority.

God teaches all His own.

Anyone who disagrees with your interpretation is, consequently, not a believer?

If you're talking about salvation issues here, then yes. There are certain core essentials that one must believe to be named a Biblical Christian.

How did you get to be a believer?

That's the question! I was not at all looking for God, but instead trying to be a rich man with many woman like king Soloman. Then, one night out of the blue, I was internet surfing and came across Kirk Camron preaching a sermon called "Soundly Save." He spoke about God's holiness, man's need for a Savior, repentance and faith in Christ, and Jesus' sacrifical death to save anyone who would trust in Him. I ended up listening to the whole thing and thinking to myself, "Oh, this is what Christanity is about." Prior to that I had thought I was a Christian. Thats how I became a believer - I heard the gospel. It was just like the Bible said it would be. "The gospel was the power of God unto salvation," for me.
OK, then do I understand correctly that you believe that you are a believer, and a member of the Body?


So, anything you think about the Bible is correct interpretation.

No. I dont understand eschotology.

God has given you this authority.

God teaches all His own.

Anyone who disagrees with your interpretation is, consequently, not a believer?

If you're talking about salvation issues here, then yes. There are certain core essentials that one must believe to be named a Biblical Christian.

How did you get to be a believer?

That's the question! I was not at all looking for God, but instead trying to be a rich man with many woman like king Soloman. Then, one night out of the blue, I was internet surfing and came across Kirk Camron preaching a sermon called "Soundly Save." He spoke about God's holiness, man's need for a Savior, repentance and faith in Christ, and Jesus' sacrifical death to save anyone who would trust in Him. I ended up listening to the whole thing and thinking to myself, "Oh, this is what Christanity is about." Prior to that I had thought I was a Christian. Thats how I became a believer - I heard the gospel. It was just like the Bible said it would be. "The gospel was the power of God unto salvation," for me.

OK, so Kirk Camron is also an authority for you.

How do you know that Mother Teresa is not saved?
OK, so Kirk Camron is also an authority for you.

No. He's just a sinner saved by grace, like me. I think he's a cool guy though!

How do you know that Mother Teresa is not saved?

Honestly, I dont! I do know, however, that if her solteriology was wrong, that is to say, she didnt believe in the core essentials of the faith (and from what I read, it didnt appare that she did), she isnt in Heaven.
OK, so Kirk Camron is also an authority for you.

No. He's just a sinner saved by grace, like me. I think he's a cool guy though!
Then why did you believe his interpretation of the Bible?

How do you know that Mother Teresa is not saved?

Honestly, I dont! I do know, however, that if her solteriology was wrong, that is to say, she didnt believe in the core essentials of the faith (and from what I read, it didnt appare that she did), she isnt in Heaven.
Why would her salvation theology be wrong and yours right? I'm certain she heard the Gospel, was baptized, etc. I'm certain she professed Christ as Lord. What's wrong with her beliefs that would leave her 'unsaved?'
Then why did you believe his interpretation of the Bible?

Because, his, like mine, is the interpretation of the disciples, apostles, and early church throughout the ages.

Why would her salvation theology be wrong and yours right?

Cause I say so. Just kiddin'! No seriously, because I have the same interpretation of Classic and historic Christanity.

I'm certain she heard the Gospel, was baptized, etc. I'm certain she professed Christ as Lord. What's wrong with her beliefs that would leave her 'unsaved?'

None of that is what saves a person. The only things that will surely save is Repentence and Faith (in the true Biblical Christ). It is not by works, not by baptizing, not by profession of faith, not by piety, not by believing upon your own version of Jesus, but by Repentance (turning from living your own way, even if your way is moral, and turning to live for God and His ways and the way He says Live), and then Faith, which is to say to believe upon Christ. True faith in Christ can be compared to a man who says to God, "Look, I am not coming to Heaven any other way but by Christ alone. If you count my own righteousness as worthy, I dont want Heaven. If you forgive me because you are pleased to, I dont want Heaven. I only want it on the grounds that Christ lived a perfect life, died a perfect sacrifice, and rose to justify His claims." Something like that. That's faith.
Then why did you believe his interpretation of the Bible?

Because, his, like mine, is the interpretation of the disciples, apostles, and early church throughout the ages.

How do you know this? Is this interpretation recorded somewhere? By whom?

Why would her salvation theology be wrong and yours right?

Cause I say so. Just kiddin'! No seriously, because I have the same interpretation of Classic and historic Christanity.
How do you know this? Where is this interpretation recorded. The Catholic Church, which Mother Teresa was part of, is founded by the disciples, apostles, and early church. If you think they are wrong about something...when did they go wrong? The church is guided by the Holy Spirit, and the apostles were appointed to lead the faithful. The Catholic Church is based on this foundation...if they went wrong, when, where, how? And, who, at that time, picked up the pieces to record the "true" understanding that you now have?

I'm certain she heard the Gospel, was baptized, etc. I'm certain she professed Christ as Lord. What's wrong with her beliefs that would leave her 'unsaved?'

None of that is what saves a person. The only things that will surely save is Repentence and Faith (in the true Biblical Christ). It is not by works, not by baptizing, not by profession of faith, not by piety, not by believing upon your own version of Jesus, but by Repentance (turning from living your own way, even if your way is moral, and turning to live for God and His ways and the way He says Live), and then Faith, which is to say to believe upon Christ.

The Catholic Church teaches repentence and faith (of course!) too. So, why wouldn't she be saved?

True faith in Christ can be compared to a man who says to God, "Look, I am not coming to Heaven any other way but by Christ alone. If you count my own righteousness as worthy, I dont want Heaven. If you forgive me because you are pleased to, I dont want Heaven. I only want it on the grounds that Christ lived a perfect life, died a perfect sacrifice, and rose to justify His claims." Something like that. That's faith.

I'm still not understanding what about Mother Teresa's beliefs would keep her from being saved. See the quote provided by InLove. She had faith in God, gave all the glory to God, lived for God.
Silas said:
None of that is what saves a person. The only things that will surely save is Repentence and Faith (in the true Biblical Christ). It is not by works, not by baptizing, not by profession of faith, not by piety, not by believing upon your own version of Jesus, but by Repentance (turning from living your own way, even if your way is moral, and turning to live for God and His ways and the way He says Live), and then Faith, which is to say to believe upon Christ. True faith in Christ can be compared to a man who says to God, "Look, I am not coming to Heaven any other way but by Christ alone. If you count my own righteousness as worthy, I dont want Heaven. If you forgive me because you are pleased to, I dont want Heaven. I only want it on the grounds that Christ lived a perfect life, died a perfect sacrifice, and rose to justify His claims." Something like that. That's faith.

So, once a person has done all of this, Silas, what is next?

How do you know this? Is this interpretation recorded somewhere? By whom?

Yes, actually. They are recorded by Historians and church fathers. You can find out this basic stuff online. Do a google search and see what the early saints believed from the 1st century to now. Compare and contrast what we differ on, as far as nonessential issues.

The Catholic Church, which Mother Teresa was part of, is founded by the disciples, apostles, and early church. If you think they are wrong about something...when did they go wrong? The church is guided by the Holy Spirit, and the apostles were appointed to lead the faithful. The Catholic Church is based on this foundation...if they went wrong, when, where, how? And, who, at that time, picked up the pieces to record the "true" understanding that you now have?

Actually, no. There are a lot of things to consider here, too much to write. But again, I'll say this: The Catholics went wrong went they left the essentials of the faith and adhered to pagan Roman customs, and other things. This went on for a very long time until the Reformation came about in the mid-ages. Prior to that, however, there were people who contended for the truth, like the anabaptist, and others.

The Catholic Church teaches repentence and faith (of course!) too. So, why wouldn't she be saved?

Alot of people say that. The JWs, for instance, teach that as well. But, only God knows who has truely repented and truely trust in Jesus (because He gives those gifts to those He saves). I gave you an example of what it means to trust Christ.

I'm still not understanding what about Mother Teresa's beliefs would keep her from being saved. See the quote provided by InLove. She had faith in God, gave all the glory to God, lived for God.

The diffrence is not in what she said, but what she believed and lived. Sure, she said she did work to God's glory and believed in Christ. But, was her faith in the Christ of the Bible? Was it the Christ who said that without me, no one will be saved? It couldnt be, since mother Teresa believed that a person didnt need Christ alone to be saved. Make sense yet? This Christian road is very hard and narrow. Only few find it.

So, once a person has done all of this, Silas, what is next?


Whats next is a hard road of being conformed into the image of Christ. It is difficult, rough, stressful, painful, joyful, and glorious!
yeah. I'd like proof that I judged people and said they were going to hell. I want the link so I can see it in context.
I placed here where all who dont trust in Jesus go. Where did I judge?
Not only did you judge, you condemned her as well with your tongue. You did the same with Joel Olsteen, but built those up that share your own views. I'm sure it is no fault of your own, we sometimes see through the glass dimly, man. We have so much influence from here and there, it is hard to see the light from the darkness. No one faith has it all right, silas; the bible says so. We se only in parts; you have your views and they are yours to keep. Just don't assume that because someone doesn't see things exactly your way that they are wrong and going to hell. You do not know the heart of man, only God does.

That being said, you make very good points; it is just many here already know thier faith, and follow Christ with all thier heart. I see it just as many others here see it, but you refuse to for some reason.

Love ya man,

The Bible says that we will know Christians by their fruits and also by their correct doctrine. I called a spade a spade, bro.