Lol, well - as you say, Q,
God Bless that poor, misguided man, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, who is so terribly confused and misinformed as to
what are and aren't helpful, healthy emotions. I borrow many of my views, and understandings, from his books
Healing Anger, and
Healing Emotions .... and THANK GOD I ran into you, Q & Kenod!!!
What WOULD I have
ever done without you!?!
I mean, until you two kindly, angry gentlemen managed to
put the fear of God into me, and bring me back from my pagan, misguided ways ... I was all ready here to believe that anger was a bad thing. AND, thank you also, Kenod, for getting me away from that terrible, new agey thinking - and then reminding me, also, that I had it all wrong to begin with. Boy, I'll tell ya, I don't know
how I managed to get it so confused.
But don't worry, with you two gents here to enlighten, guide & rescue me from the depths of ignorance (and esentially, ANYthing that doesn't fit squarely into your
Christian programming) ... I'm SURE I can't go wrong again. Unless,
heaven forbid, I should DARE to think different
ly. Now now, we don't need that. That just screws things ALL up.
Look Q, if you wanna cop an attitude, start condescending, and behave like a general JERK, then coat it over with some cock 'n bull
"I'm a good christian, saved and seated at the right hand of the Father's heavenly table ahead of you" crap ... then please, do go right ahead. Frankly, I don't give a
damn about your military heroism, your high 'n mighty American ideals, and ANYthing that you've come to embrace - however holy & sacred - that sits down in there, somewhere, telling you you're BETTER than anyone else. Get over it.
Feel that? Yeah buddy. That's anger. Now DO something with it. Prove to me ...
that you can walk on water. Christ could. Whatsamatter? Not there yet?
Oh. I see. Then I guess I'm in the same company
I thought I was, after all. Ever heard the expression,
Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining?
Well then.
How many fights have you
ever walked from? Anger is that little thing, along with pride, that
won't let you. And there's a
reason why Catholicism teaches that
each of these, is one of the Seven Deadly Sins. Those antidotes, the Seven Cardinal Virtues,
they mean something too. Or is all that ... just some theologian somewhere, whistlin' Dixie.
If I get angry, provoked or otherwise ... I know what to do with it. I can FEEL the toxins. My
heart tells me, that it isn't healthy.
I sure don't need either of you fine fellas,
or even the Dalai Lama in any of his books, to enlighten me about it ... although at least I know HH won't distort the facts.
What was your point? That anger can be a
motivator? Ah well, I agree with that. It CAN be transformed into something better. And yes, it IS an emotion ... but an unhealthy one. Want proof? Just keep living with it. In it. Giving expression to it. Watch your physical health, your mental health, your emotional health ...
No DOCTOR has to tell you that, for $100 a minute, in this glorious, enlightened country of ours (everyone knows, doctors are gods around here). Common sense should. Experience should.
As for
new age notions that
all feelings are good, I have NO idea where you come up with that, Kenod. All emotions are part of the
human experience. That much is true. And they CAN, each and every one of them, be
OFLAGs - Opportunities For Learning And Growth.
[Edit: okay, i do realize that many new-agey people say, "everything is
meant to happen, nothing can be
out of place, etc." - but I think that's a lot of BS. One cannot JUSTIFY wrong action, or poor choices, by saying,
oh, on some level I MEANT to do that. Rationalizing things to fit one's behavior,
new agey or otherwise, is still just rationalization.]
But if you think being angry, beats being (in) Love/Loving ... then I think somewhere the
new age message got screwed around. Sorry, don't know
what happened.
2nd Aspect of Trinity:
3rd Aspect of Trinity:
the Spiritualizing Presence both operative in - and responsible for - the material world
Until we can live
in this world, under the guidance of the 2nd Aspect, without
reacting (you know, knee-jerk style), and without giving in to
emotions such as anger, hate, and envy ... we are still crucified (and
crucifying, the Christ within), rather than Resurrected. St. Paul
died daily, by NOT giving in to the urge to get angry, or
yielding to his emotional nature.
Emotions aren't
bad, just as the
thoughts of our mortal minds aren't
bad. Nor is the flesh, the material nature. That's manicheism. That's a certain form of Gnosticism. But people fail to distinguish allegory, from literalism. There's a
message, and I'm afraid it's been thoroughly misinterpreted.
As I see it,
no religion has yet gotten it right. But for those who feel called to
Christ's message,
more power to them ... WHEN that power,
empowers the Love. Otherwise, better to keep questioning, and following
whatever path seems to resonate. Good is done, and God is served, in
OTHER names than Christ Jesus. If a wo/man can't, or refuses to see and acknowledge that ...
God help him/her.
Did I miss your point? I don't think so. Did I not make a small handful of points? I don't know, and I don't care. I've said what was on my mind, in my heart ... and
came to me. I DO value the freedom,
and the forum, by and in which this can take place!