What Are You Watching on Youtube?

Something that made me think of some of the guys here: YouTube - Inspired Bicycles - Danny MacAskill April 2009

Warning: some of the things this guy does may make you wince. :D

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine

I see that guy around all the time....never realised he was so good till I saw this same clip a few days ago. The local evening paper after carrying the story about him being a youtube hit two nights ago led with the front page last night of "BMX Bandit robs 3 at knifepoint".... they say it comes in 3's...so I'm intrigued as to what tonights story will be.
Last night I watched the cartoon version of Mr. Bean on Youtube with my friend. The episode we saw is one where he has car trouble and ends up making a hot air balloon. Right now I am downloading it from Youtube so that I can watch it whenever I want to.

I would provide a link but I can't do that at the moment because my post count is low. But you can search Youtube for Mr Bean Animation: Car Trouble and locate it.
Sorry can I add one and if no-one watches any of the others please watch this. It is a song called Lift the Veil and explains my views on the hijab so well, wow it makes me smile, inside and out.

YouTube - The islamic veil

Thank you to anyone that listens to it.
They sing the hijab a mark of piety.
really it is a mark of slavery.
They point out the western trends of decadence and say that that is the freedom we are about when anybody with a brain knows that is exploitation which happens in our commercialized society.

What is even worse is scorching hot desert country and black bag to cover up in.
They bake like potatoes.
And the men wear white as they know it reflects the heat.

Sell that soap elsewhere sister.
The hijab does not equal slavery (when it's voluntarily worn, which it is by most Muslim women who wear it).
The effective administration of enslavement sees the slaves embracing their servitude.
The effective administration of enslavement sees the slaves embracing their servitude.

Actually, the effective administration of enslavement sees the slaves thinking they're free.

God, on the other hand, doesn't need to "administer" anything.
Actually, the effective administration of enslavement sees the slaves thinking they're free.

God, on the other hand, doesn't need to "administer" anything.

oh come one, it was the combined emulation of the prophets wives/higher elite coupled with environmental factors [sun/wind/heat/sand] and the anonymonity of the many wives,concubines/belly dancers men could amass!:rolleyes:
God, on the other hand, doesn't need to "administer" anything.
And does not administer anything. And can administer nothing. As you would expect from a non-existent superstitious creation ;)
And does not administer anything. And can administer nothing. As you would expect from a non-existent superstitious creation


I'll that that bet...

Keep my $20 ready... (on the other side)