do you know God by name

They also wonder at your mixing with those not of your "flock", when your own leaders have forbidden such "un guided" contact.

lol :) i think i have already mentioned it before but i will say it again

talking to all people about the promises in the bible is what all Jehovahs witnesses do , regardless of what religion those people belong too.

but taking on board their beliefs is another thing.

sticking to the bible and what it teaches is the way for all Jehovahs people .

but we are not like people who keep our beliefs to ourselves we give it out :) its good to share .
the misconstruing of the Bible is the equivelent of leading "children" astray. When one does that, they are either ignorant of the truth, or deliberate in misleading those who are faithful and new, or considering becoming faithful. quote]

i agree the misconstruing of the bible is leading people astray and its been going on for centuries .

and many have got to believe the lie.

and that is the truth of it , the trinity is not a bible teaching but it has misled many.
God’s name is rendered "Yahweh" in some translations, "Jehovah" in others.
PSALM 83;18 IN SPANISH Gods name is Jehova

para que la gente sepa que tú, cuyo nombre es Jehová,
tú solo eres el Altísimo sobre toda la tierra.

så att man inser att du, vars namn är Jehova,
du ensam är den Högste över hela jorden. IN SWEDISH IT IS Jehova

Para que as pessoas saibam que tu, cujo nome é Jeová,
Somente tu és o Altíssimo sobre toda a terra. IN PORTUGUESE Jeová,

aby wiedziano, że ty, który masz na imię Jehowa,
ty sam jesteś Najwyższym nad całą ziemią. AND IN POLISH Jehowa

Affinché conoscano che tu, il cui nome è Geova,
Tu solo sei l’Altissimo su tutta la terra. AND IN ITALIAN Geova,
Damit man erkenne, daß du, dessen Name Jehova ist,
Du allein, der Höchste bist über die ganze Erde. psalm 83;18 IN GERMAN GODS NAME IS JEHOVA

pour qu’on sache que toi, dont le nom est Jéhovah,
tu es, toi seul, le Très-Haut sur toute la terre !
PSALM 83;18 IN SPANISH Gods name is Jehova

para que la gente sepa que tú, cuyo nombre es Jehová,
tú solo eres el Altísimo sobre toda la tierra.
Can't help but love ya for tryin', mee.

How is the "J" pronounced in Spanish? Hmmm? What's more, there is no "H" in the Spanish alphabet...which tells me your reference is suspect. ;) While we are at it, how is the "V" pronounced in Spanish?

Answers on request, but I've got a feeling anybody with a lick of sense can figure it out for themselves... ;)

I could go how is the "J" pronounced in Swedish? Yah?

I think I know what your reference is for this...and frankly it is erroneous to be polite. Even Babelfish: AltaVista - Babel Fish Translation will give better translations, and at least it warns users that it may be in error.
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Can't help but love ya for tryin', mee.

lovers of Jehovah are looking ahead to the fulfillment of the Model Prayer taught by Jesus Christ: "Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified. Let your kingdom come. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also upon earth." (Matt. 6:9, 10)

Further, persons walking in Jehovah’s name also look forward to the day when everyone alive will respect God’s most holy name.:)
'In the Heavens' mee, what does that mean to you. In Jesus time it appears they were looking to the sky, that the heavens were above the clouds.

Now I don't believe Jesus was referring to that, but how do you interpret it?
'In the Heavens' mee, what does that mean to you. In Jesus time it appears they were looking to the sky, that the heavens were above the clouds.

Now I don't believe Jesus was referring to that, but how do you interpret it?

Thats the tragedy of it wil .. The watchtower doesnt allow them to interpret anything... they arent allowed to use the minds that God gave them. They have to rely on the watchtower to interpret for them.
'In the Heavens' mee, what does that mean to you. In Jesus time it appears they were looking to the sky, that the heavens were above the clouds.

Now I don't believe Jesus was referring to that, but how do you interpret it?
matthew 6;9 -10 one thing is for sure and that is ...... No longer is there any opposition to Gods purpose going on in the heavens , thats because the rebels have been cast out of heaven . and those rebels are satan and his demons , and they were cast out of heaven when Jesus was given great aurthority DANIEL 7;13-14 REVELATION 12;9 And it was in 1914 when that happened.

and now we are well along into bible prophecy

and we all know where those opposers are now . but not for much longer because Gods will and purpose is to have the earth back to his original purpose :)PARADISE:)yes Gods HEAVENLY kingdom goverment is now well established Daniel 2;44 and those doing Gods will in the heavens are his FAITHFUL angels. no opposers up there now , they are all down here as is plain to see.
Thats the tragedy of it wil .. The watchtower doesnt allow them to interpret anything... they arent allowed to use the minds that God gave them. They have to rely on the watchtower to interpret for them.

Taste and see that :)Jehovah is good,:) O YOU people;
Happy is the able-bodied man that takes refuge in him. PSALM 34;8:)
matthew 6;9 -10 one thing is for sure and that is ...... No longer is there any opposition to Gods purpose going on in the heavens , thats because the rebels have been cast out of heaven ....:)yes Gods HEAVENLY kingdom goverment is now well established Daniel 2;44 and those doing Gods will in the heavens are his FAITHFUL angels. no opposers up there now , they are all down here as is plain to see.
Namaste mee,

see that is what I am asking. What is Heaven? According to JW or according to mee, what is heaven and if a place where??

You say 'up' there, and 'down' here. Much like folks used to think heaven was above the clouds and hell was in the earth (really down there).

But didn't Jesus say look neither high nor low?

Didn't the first cosmonaut happily report, well no heaven up here?

We've got satellites and telescopes looking billions of light years away. Identifying potentially habitable or habitted planets in our universe.

What is Heaven me? According to your or JW understandings of the scriptures where is, what is this Kingdom where Jesus now rules with these faithful angels?
Namaste mee,

see that is what I am asking. What is Heaven? According to JW or according to mee, what is heaven and if a place where??

You say 'up' there, and 'down' here. Much like folks used to think heaven was above the clouds and hell was in the earth (really down there).

But didn't Jesus say look neither high nor low?

Didn't the first cosmonaut happily report, well no heaven up here?

We've got satellites and telescopes looking billions of light years away. Identifying potentially habitable or habitted planets in our universe.

What is Heaven me? According to your or JW understandings of the scriptures where is, what is this Kingdom where Jesus now rules with these faithful angels?

The dwelling place of Jehovah God and of faithful spirit creatures; a realm invisible to human eyes. The Bible also uses the term "heaven(s)" in a variety of other senses; for example: to represent God himself, his organization of faithful spirit creatures, a position of divine favor, the physical universe apart from the earth, the expanse surrounding planet Earth, human governments under Satan’s domination, and the righteous new heavenly government in which Jesus Christ with his joint heirs are empowered by Jehovah to rule.​


The dwelling place of Jehovah God and of faithful spirit creatures; a realm invisible to human eyes. The Bible also uses the term "heaven(s)" in a variety of other senses; for example: to represent God himself, his organization of faithful spirit creatures, a position of divine favor, the physical universe apart from the earth, the expanse surrounding planet Earth, human governments under Satan’s domination, and the righteous new heavenly government in which Jesus Christ with his joint heirs are empowered by Jehovah to rule.
Namaste mee,

It could just be me but has anyone mentioned your affiinity to use such large fonts is disconcerting? And again it could just be me, but increasing the size does not increase the validity, as a matter of fact for me it does just the opposite, it's like the little kid at the swimming pool for the nth time screaming mommy, mommy look at me....

But thanks for the reply. Let's break it down.
according to your definition...(I don't really mean these are your words, they aren't are they, but a definition that has been provided for you that you've provided for us?)​
  1. Heaven =God himself
  2. Heaven =his organization of faithful spirit creatures
  3. Heaven =a position of divine favor
  4. Heaven =the physical universe apart from the earth
  5. Heaven =human governments under Satan’s domination
  6. Heaven =the righteous new heavenly government in which Jesus Christ with his joint heirs are empowered by Jehovah to rule
  7. Heaven =The dwelling place of Jehovah God
Now I gotta tell ya, I've got to take some time to contemplate but I'm really confused about number 5 you can start by explaining that one.

And it is invisible to human eyes. And so the 144,000 will never see it? No one will ever see it. And Jesus, the human son of G!d, not G!d incarnate on earth, invisible to him as well?
Namaste mee,

It could just be me but has anyone mentioned your affiinity to use such large fonts is disconcerting? And again it could just be me, but increasing the size does not increase the validity, as a matter of fact for me it does just the opposite, it's like the little kid at the swimming pool for the nth time screaming mommy, mommy look at me....

But thanks for the reply. Let's break it down.
according to your definition...(I don't really mean these are your words, they aren't are they, but a definition that has been provided for you that you've provided for us?)[/left]
  1. Heaven =God himself
  2. Heaven =his organization of faithful spirit creatures
  3. Heaven =a position of divine favor
  4. Heaven =the physical universe apart from the earth
  5. Heaven =human governments under Satan’s domination
  6. Heaven =the righteous new heavenly government in which Jesus Christ with his joint heirs are empowered by Jehovah to rule
  7. Heaven =The dwelling place of Jehovah God
Now I gotta tell ya, I've got to take some time to contemplate but I'm really confused about number 5 you can start by explaining that one.

And it is invisible to human eyes. And so the 144,000 will never see it? No one will ever see it. And Jesus, the human son of G!d, not G!d incarnate on earth, invisible to him as well?
think about 2 peter 3;13

The present "heavens" of this old world are wicked and are doomed to pass away. Why? Because Satan the Devil and his demons are "the wicked spirit forces in the heavenly places," the "heavens" of this evil world.—Eph. 6:12. yes ,as ...1 john 5;19 ....says, the whole world is in the power of the wicked one .

Who besides the King Jesus Christ constitute the "new heavens"? The angels in heaven? No, God has purposed that the "new heavens" or Kingdom government would be made up of the King together with a limited number of "a new creation." The small number of those who would make up the "new creation" are taken from among mankind. The number of those who will be joint heirs with Christ in the heavenly kingdom is small in comparison with the billions of mankind that will eventually gain everlasting life on this earth. So Jesus Christ said to the anointed Christians: "Have no fear, little flock, because your Father has approved of giving you the kingdom." In the book of Revelation the number of this "little flock" is given as "the hundred and forty-four thousand, who have been purchased from the earth. . . . These were purchased from among mankind as a firstfruits to God and to the Lamb." Thus the "new heavens" will be made up of Jesus Christ and his 144,000, the "joint heirs with Christ."—2 Cor. 5:17; Luke 12:32; Rev. 14:3, 4; Rom. 8:17.

How thrilling to know that the creating of the "new heavens and a new earth" is already under way!

think about 2 peter 3;13

The present "heavens" of this old world are wicked and are doomed to pass away. Why? Because Satan the Devil and his demons are "the wicked spirit forces in the heavenly places," the "heavens" of this evil world.—Eph. 6:12. yes ,as ...1 john 5;19 ....says, the whole world is in the power of the wicked one .

Still confused at your conjecture. Is Jesus ruling heaven or is the devil? Is the devil ruling earth and are you saying now earth is heaven?

I sure would appreciate it if you'd adjust your font to normal size.
Still confused at your conjecture. Is Jesus ruling heaven or is the devil? Is the devil ruling earth and are you saying now earth is heaven?

I sure would appreciate it if you'd adjust your font to normal size.
satan cannot be ruling the heavens because Jesus cast him out in 1914, heavens in the bible can some times refer to rulership, that is why in 2 peter 3;13 it mentions NEW HEAVENS, the rulership now on the earth is on the way out as Daniel 2;44 informs us .

must be my age the big font make it easier for me lol:)
Still confused at your conjecture. Is Jesus ruling heaven or is the devil? Is the devil ruling earth and are you saying now earth is heaven?

I sure would appreciate it if you'd adjust your font to normal size.
Still where does it say that Heaven is a human gov't under Satan's dominion??

If you go to your settings you can vary the screen display of your computer so you may read all easier, rather than varying the font.
Still where does it say that Heaven is a human gov't under Satan's dominion??

If you go to your settings you can vary the screen display of your computer so you may read all easier, rather than varying the font.

powerful a figure is Satan in today’s world?

Jesus Christ referred to him as being "the ruler of the world," the one whom mankind in general obeys by heeding his urgings to ignore God’s requirements. (John 14:30; Eph. 2:2) The Bible also calls him "the god of this system of things," who is honored by the religious practices of people who adhere to this system of things.—2 Cor. 4:4; 1 Cor. 10:20.

When endeavoring to tempt Jesus Christ, the Devil "brought him up and showed him all the kingdoms of the inhabited earth in an instant of time; and the Devil said to him: ‘I will give you all this authority and the glory of them, because it has been delivered to me, and to whomever I wish I give it. You, therefore, if you do an act of worship before me, it will all be yours.’" (Luke 4:5-7)

Revelation 13:1, 2 reveals that Satan gives ‘power, throne and great authority’ to the global political system of rulership. Daniel 10:13, 20 discloses that Satan has had demonic princes over principal kingdoms of the earth. Ephesians 6:12 refers to these as constituting ‘governments, authorities, world rulers of this darkness, wicked spirit forces in heavenly places.’

No wonder that 1 John 5:19 says: "The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one." But his power is only for a limited period of time and is only by the toleration of Jehovah, who is God Almighty.
