do you know God by name

the bible tells me Gods name, here it is in psalm 83;18

That people may know that you, whose name is Jehovah,
You alone are the Most High over all the earth. :)

I will point out for the cheap seats in deep center field, God's name is not "Jehovah". Never was. That is an English translation, and not a very good one, since Hebrew never utters J or V, sounds in the language.
I will point out for the cheap seats in deep center field, God's name is not "Jehovah". Never was. That is an English translation, and not a very good one, since Hebrew never utters J or V, sounds in the language.
good point, and even so, christians know the name jehovah, many of our songs and scriptures of various bibles say jehovah, as well as YHWH or LORD, so its not new to anyone, not me anyways. but if you say Jehovah, i automatically think of the Father and the Son at the same time having the same name of YHWH.
good point, and even so, christians know the name jehovah, many of our songs and scriptures of various bibles say jehovah, quote]

and there we have it :) that men may know that you whos name is Jehovah are the most high psalm 83;18
God is very much like Harvey.... He comes to us all in his own special way, he has many names, many ways.... Yet he will never fail to touch us... And we should feel the effects of that are very strong, and we should know... Go with the feeling in your gut. So I say, call him, her, it, that whatever you wish, just know it is very good.... :) He/It/She could be simply a smile from another, a firm hug, a sun set, a sun rise, the silence, Peace and serenity of dawn..... A six-foot three and a half inch rabbit, a man giving you change. The world we live in... Everywhere, every form.
awwwww alex, you are doing it again. you are making me feel all warm and loved and stuff. pretty soon you'll turn into mw or something. hangon a minute........ you two do have something in common......... and you are never seen in the same place together......... could it be Alex P/17th is really Sally/MW.........?????????????? no? oh ok, its getting late. I need some sleep. hahaha.
Sweet dreams! And wake feeling refreshed, but sleep with confidence, knowing that in a world where hatred is sadly quite common, for a moment, an eight hour moment, you have found rest and Peace. Thanks again for everything Sister and have a swell day tomorrow! We can do it all over again.
good point, and even so, christians know the name jehovah, many of our songs and scriptures of various bibles say jehovah, as well as YHWH or LORD, so its not new to anyone, not me anyways. but if you say Jehovah, i automatically think of the Father and the Son at the same time having the same name of YHWH.
And I think of the Holy Spirit hovering over the firmament as well. Now why does that not surprise the most of us, but grates on others? Maybe they do not understand the nature of our God...
Maybe they do not understand the nature of our God...

"All the peoples, for their part, will walk each one in the name of its god; but we, for our part, shall walk in the name of Jehovah our God to time indefinite, even forever."—Mic. 4:5.:)
God's name is rendered "Yahweh" in some translations, "Jehovah" in others.
God's name is rendered "Yahweh" in some translations, "Jehovah" in others.
translations being the operative word. YHWH the unsaid would be the accurate would it not? As we are aware Jews utlized the word adonai and somewhere along the line the vowel sounds from it were inserted into YHWH and we said the unsaid. And then it was translated into Latin centuries later after they started utilizing a J, and then some groups swear that is the one and only name. There are now many names for G!d. "I am" being the (modern translation ) recorded that he told Moses, yes?

still wondering about that castle symbol discussion...