
One thing I've learned is that I shouldn't assume that others are necessarily like me. Whatever works is the way to go I'm sure. My experience was that the nicotine withdrawal lasted about a month. What was really hard for me was the habit. To be sure the comfort comes from getting the dose of nicotine, but even with the actual physical symptoms of nicotine withdrawal gone, what I still really wanted was the comfort injection- of anything. That's when I started eating, especially at night.

That's why I got an e-cig to help me quit. For me it was mostly the habit also. And with this way, I can still have my pretty close to realistic habit and gradually step down the nicotine. Not sayin everyone'll like it. But it's workin for me, and I'm glad for that.

If your lookin for a habit close to smokin a cigarette, they have no nicotine liquid for em. So you can still "smoke" without smoking, or being addicted. That's what allured me to them.
Long post about vitamins and cigs. Skip the boring parts but read the warnings.

The addiction had me in its grip. I was so bold to start smoking, thinking that I could just quit whenever. :rolleyes: I had to quit numerous times, and eventually what helped was the combination of nico-derm, no money to buy cigs, and time. You might say I cheated, because I couldn't afford cigs but somebody helped me get nicoderm. It just sort of fell together, so I was stupid, persistent, and eventually lucky.

Mostly, it is the tar in the cigs along with the various additives that really do people in. The addiction could mean one of several things. It might mean that your body is just wired for addiction to nicotine but probably not. (ADHD people are at the highest risk of getting addicted. They tend to love smoking, partly because of its medicinal properties and side effects.) It could mean that some personal growth is needed -- more friends, more happiness, more success, greater sense of peace etc. That's why teens are more susceptible than grownups. It can also point to a long-term vitamin deficiency, inactivity, or other condition in which your brain is looking for something.

If you're a smoker or are addicted to anything, taking vitamins could save your life; so get started. I've already been quit for almost three years, however when I was going through my practice quits there were certain vitamin combinations that seemed to help a lot. I recommend figuring out a concoction of vitamins for yourself and taking them daily. If you live near a city, then they should be relatively easy to acquire. At first you may forget to use them, but keep them nearby in the mornings and you'll likely learn to appreciate taking them. The best thing about taking vitamins is that they have a cumulative positive effect over time, so don't be surprised if in addition to an initial improvement your body also begins to respond better and better to the vitamins over a period of weeks and months. Your body learns how to put them to work. (A vitamin deficiency also has cumulative effects, though keeping some minimal vitamin levels should stave these off.)

Warning: Do not follow my vitamin habits below. I'm just showing you what vitamins I like. There could be problems if you are taking medications: for instance the B vitamins speed up your metabolism and change how quickly medication lasts in people! You don't want to mess around with that, so coordinate your medications and your vitamins professionally.

Ok, but here is what I've got: I start with my Vitamin B's, (preferably slow release so it lasts all day). There are several types of B, but I can usually get several in one capsule. A lot of B-1 (Called 'Thiamine') is important to combat mental or emotional exhaustion due to stress, so I get a separate B-1 to bring my daily B-1 up to 100milligrams, which is a lot. I cannot get B-1 by itself in slow-release form, however it probably lasts all day at 100mg. I have a regular all-in-one vitamin to cover most of the basics like A, C, E, and minerals. I add in Calcium & 1000milligrams of vitamin D. Calcium is absorbed slowly; so I take it twice or three times a day if I remember to. The calcium is a muscle relaxer, so it helps me not to feel chest/shoulder/arm/neck pains and improves muscle coordination. I'm male, so I also take a separate Selenium pill to cut my chances of getting prostate cancer in half. Now I add a slow release tryptophan, which is a natural mood enhancer found in Turkey meat. This combination I have found to be very helpful and relatively inexpensive where I live.
Long post about vitamins and cigs. Skip the boring parts but read the warnings.

The addiction had me in its grip. I was so bold to start smoking, thinking that I could just quit whenever. :rolleyes: I had to quit numerous times, and eventually what helped was the combination of nico-derm, no money to buy cigs, and time. You might say I cheated, because I couldn't afford cigs but somebody helped me get nicoderm. It just sort of fell together, so I was stupid, persistent, and eventually lucky.

Mostly, it is the tar in the cigs along with the various additives that really do people in. The addiction could mean one of several things. It might mean that your body is just wired for addiction to nicotine but probably not. (ADHD people are at the highest risk of getting addicted. They tend to love smoking, partly because of its medicinal properties and side effects.) It could mean that some personal growth is needed -- more friends, more happiness, more success, greater sense of peace etc. That's why teens are more susceptible than grownups. It can also point to a long-term vitamin deficiency, inactivity, or other condition in which your brain is looking for something.

If you're a smoker or are addicted to anything, taking vitamins could save your life; so get started. I've already been quit for almost three years, however when I was going through my practice quits there were certain vitamin combinations that seemed to help a lot. I recommend figuring out a concoction of vitamins for yourself and taking them daily. If you live near a city, then they should be relatively easy to acquire. At first you may forget to use them, but keep them nearby in the mornings and you'll likely learn to appreciate taking them. The best thing about taking vitamins is that they have a cumulative positive effect over time, so don't be surprised if in addition to an initial improvement your body also begins to respond better and better to the vitamins over a period of weeks and months. Your body learns how to put them to work. (A vitamin deficiency also has cumulative effects, though keeping some minimal vitamin levels should stave these off.)

Warning: Do not follow my vitamin habits below. I'm just showing you what vitamins I like. There could be problems if you are taking medications: for instance the B vitamins speed up your metabolism and change how quickly medication lasts in people! You don't want to mess around with that, so coordinate your medications and your vitamins professionally.

Ok, but here is what I've got: I start with my Vitamin B's, (preferably slow release so it lasts all day). There are several types of B, but I can usually get several in one capsule. A lot of B-1 (Called 'Thiamine') is important to combat mental or emotional exhaustion due to stress, so I get a separate B-1 to bring my daily B-1 up to 100milligrams, which is a lot. I cannot get B-1 by itself in slow-release form, however it probably lasts all day at 100mg. I have a regular all-in-one vitamin to cover most of the basics like A, C, E, and minerals. I add in Calcium & 1000milligrams of vitamin D. Calcium is absorbed slowly; so I take it twice or three times a day if I remember to. The calcium is a muscle relaxer, so it helps me not to feel chest/shoulder/arm/neck pains and improves muscle coordination. I'm male, so I also take a separate Selenium pill to cut my chances of getting prostate cancer in half. Now I add a slow release tryptophan, which is a natural mood enhancer found in Turkey meat. This combination I have found to be very helpful and relatively inexpensive where I live.

I would suggest in addition to that list a fish oil supplement and get the one with the D3 added if you dont get enough sunlight. My doctor suggested this to me. This has basically eliminated all depression for me.
I think this whole smoking issue is a pack of lies. It's the chemicals in the butts and the fertilizers they use... processing etc. I roll my own... a cheap brand but with less additives. I can stop with no withdrawls and I breathe fine.

It's a sacred herb.
I think this whole smoking issue is a pack of lies. It's the chemicals in the butts and the fertilizers they use... processing etc. I roll my own... a cheap brand but with less additives. I can stop with no withdrawls and I breathe fine.

It's a sacred herb.

Right on, good for you!

Right on, good for you!


Well... there is all this talk about smoking in the world and ...I can't stand the air I breathe in town for the cars and the stench of animal slaughter.

You know?

Seems there is a priority issue here.

I don't recommend smoking cigarettes to anyone who doesn't, but for those who do and are having trouble... I say go for the rollies or a pipe, if you can stand it. Filters are no good, in my experience. They either melt or fluff into your lungs with even more resin.

There is far less nicotine, as well, with those.
A good smoke can actually loosen the garbage that is in there...
you spit it out. End of story... no hacking and wheezing.
Yep, I smoke, and compared to the price in Australia to the price here in Usa ... its wonderful. LOL. And now I buy tobacco and with filter tips and a rolling machine it works out to about... oh........ i dunno maybe $1.80 a pack (20's)......... so much better than $10-$14 a pack in Oz......... yeah, I know the health risks.......... Im the worst for preaching it... but................. fair dinkim..........its soooooooo cheap.LOL
Better yet....grow yer own.
Nicotiana rustica is the preferred species, but you will get a better yield from nicotiana tabaccum.
I have grown it before and it is a very pleasant plant to observe (I have tried successfully with 4 different varieties),
But little bugs will get stuck in the resinous hairs and die from the insecticidal effects of the nicotine.
The leaf curing process is the most interesting as there is so many ways of curing which results in a wide variety of flavors.
Thanks for that Shawn, I think we probably will give it a go. (strewth, Ill have to check out if thats legal or not...) We are growing lots of flowers and veges so, i might just give them a try too.....
Thanks for that Shawn, I think we probably will give it a go. (strewth, Ill have to check out if thats legal or not...) We are growing lots of flowers and veges so, i might just give them a try too.....
Your in tobacco country Maryland/ can drive down south and see it growing in the fields and hanging in the barns... a lot less than there used to be but it is still around.
Thanks for that Shawn, I think we probably will give it a go. (strewth, Ill have to check out if thats legal or not...) We are growing lots of flowers and veges so, i might just give them a try too.....
If you are not selling it then the ATF should have no problem, but given their behavior I would give the appropriate authorities a call first.
(Bloody nazi's. :mad: )
Anyway, in Canada I know for fact that if you are growing tobacco for yourself and do not sell it you have no legal issues.
I agree with the OP, smoking tobacco is an unhealthy waste of time. Thanks to the tobacco industry, more people are dying every year from tobacco than almost everything else combined.

But hey, it's your choice. If you want to smoke tobacco I'm not going to stop you. Just do yourself a favor before becoming one of these tobacco addicts. Figure out why you use tobacco. Is it because you like the effects of tobacco? Or is it because you like the texture of smoke?

If it is the latter, do your body a favor and switch to smoking cannabis. ;) Cannabis has been shown to not increase the chance of lung cancer, even among heavy users. Not only is it far safer and healthier than tobacco, it has some more useful spiritual qualities, which I suppose is a good positive in a forum like this.
I agree with the OP, smoking tobacco is an unhealthy waste of time. Thanks to the tobacco industry, more people are dying every year from tobacco than almost everything else combined.

According to the CDC, in the USA, deaths from all causes came to 2,423,712 for 2007. Deaths due to tobacco, according to the CDC, were 443,000. Let's see, according to the "math" of the ignorant and propagandized, 18%-19% means "more than almost everything else combined".

It's nice to see you don't let reality get in the way of making ignorant diatribes.

Cannabis has been shown to not increase the chance of lung cancer, even among heavy users. Not only is it far safer and healthier than tobacco, it has some more useful spiritual qualities, which I suppose is a good positive in a forum like this.

You need to stop just reading propaganda and start reading real science, kid.

“After adjustment for potential confounding factors, the results of 20 multivariate logistic regression models indicated positive associations between duration of marijuana use and anxiety, depression, sexually transmitted disease (STD), bronchitis, and lung cancer’ -- Han B, Gfroerer JC, Colliver JD. 2010. Associations between duration of illicit drug use and health conditions: results from the 2005-2007 national surveys on drug use and health. Ann Epidemiol. 20:289-97.

“As demonstrated by a stratified permutation test and by conditional logistic regression, marijuana smoking significantly elevated NPC risk independently of cigarette smoking, suggesting dissimilar carcinogenic mechanisms between cannabis and tobacco.” -- Feng BJ, Khyatti M, Ben-Ayoub W, Dahmoul S, Ayad M, Maachi F, Bedadra W, Abdoun M, Mesli S, Bakkali H, Jalbout M, Hamdi-Cherif M, Boualga K, Bouaouina N, Chouchane L, Benider A, Ben-Ayed F, Goldgar DE, Corbex M. 2009. Cannabis, tobacco and domestic fumes intake are associated with nasopharyngeal carcinoma in North Africa. Br J Cancer. 101:1207-12.

“The highest tertile of cannabis use was associated with an increased risk of lung cancer (relative risk 5.7 (95% CI 1.5-21.6)), after adjustment for confounding variables including cigarette smoking. In conclusion, the results of the present study indicate that long-term cannabis use increases the risk of lung cancer in young adults.” -- Aldington S, Harwood M, Cox B, Weatherall M, Beckert L, Hansell A, Pritchard A, Robinson G, Beasley R. 2008. Cannabis use and risk of lung cancer: a case-control study. Eur Respir J. 31:280-6.
One more packet of cigarettes then I'm giving up (got those Champix tabs and have to smoke for first 8 days). Am terrified and sure I will fail ... so no doubt will!!
One more packet of cigarettes then I'm giving up (got those Champix tabs and have to smoke for first 8 days). Am terrified and sure I will fail ... so no doubt will!!

best of luck, am in process of taking them and they certainly make them taste disgusting but a day must be set to stop completely for once and for all..hoping some nicotinell inhalers will suffice for the hands/mouth thing if desperately stressed and have a couple of stop smoking visualisation tapes to listen to- eek!
According to the CDC, in the USA, deaths from all causes came to 2,423,712 for 2007. Deaths due to tobacco, according to the CDC, were 443,000. Let's see, according to the "math" of the ignorant and propagandized, 18%-19% means "more than almost everything else combined".

It's nice to see you don't let reality get in the way of making ignorant diatribes.
Actually you seem to fail to having any sort of reading comprehension skills that merit your sloppy analysis. Perhaps I should clarify, tobacco kills hundreds of thousands more people than every other drug combined. Furthermore, there are more tobacco related deaths than many of the next largest killers of people.

In any case, what the hell is your point? Why are you trying to defend tobacco use? Tobacco is still a lethal product. Kills so many people annually.

You need to stop just reading propaganda and start reading real science, kid.

“After adjustment for potential confounding factors, the results of 20 multivariate logistic regression models indicated positive associations between duration of marijuana use and anxiety, depression, sexually transmitted disease (STD), bronchitis, and lung cancer’ -- Han B, Gfroerer JC, Colliver JD. 2010. Associations between duration of illicit drug use and health conditions: results from the 2005-2007 national surveys on drug use and health. Ann Epidemiol. 20:289-97.

“As demonstrated by a stratified permutation test and by conditional logistic regression, marijuana smoking significantly elevated NPC risk independently of cigarette smoking, suggesting dissimilar carcinogenic mechanisms between cannabis and tobacco.” -- Feng BJ, Khyatti M, Ben-Ayoub W, Dahmoul S, Ayad M, Maachi F, Bedadra W, Abdoun M, Mesli S, Bakkali H, Jalbout M, Hamdi-Cherif M, Boualga K, Bouaouina N, Chouchane L, Benider A, Ben-Ayed F, Goldgar DE, Corbex M. 2009. Cannabis, tobacco and domestic fumes intake are associated with nasopharyngeal carcinoma in North Africa. Br J Cancer. 101:1207-12.

“The highest tertile of cannabis use was associated with an increased risk of lung cancer (relative risk 5.7 (95% CI 1.5-21.6)), after adjustment for confounding variables including cigarette smoking. In conclusion, the results of the present study indicate that long-term cannabis use increases the risk of lung cancer in young adults.” -- Aldington S, Harwood M, Cox B, Weatherall M, Beckert L, Hansell A, Pritchard A, Robinson G, Beasley R. 2008. Cannabis use and risk of lung cancer: a case-control study. Eur Respir J. 31:280-6.
And you should stop trying to act as if you are not buying into propaganda and do more objective research, neo-con. ;)

Pot Smoking Not Linked to Lung Cancer

There have been many studies that have been conducted to understand the risk of cannabis and lung cancer. At first it was thought that because cannabis smoke had as much cancer causing carcinogens. It was later found, thanks to the very extensive studies done by Dr. Donald Tashkin of UCLA Medical that in fact, even heavy cannabis use does not cause cancer, because the main active ingredient in cannabis; tetrahydrocannabinol, commonly abrevated as THC, actually kills cancerous cells.

You don't seem to be taken those studies you cited into context, do you? I'm not surprised, your reading comprehension skills have already been showing to lack.

Perhaps this large study on lung cancer in general will put you in your place;

Epidemiology of Lung Cancer* ? CHEST

"With respect to smoking of nontobacco products, the potential role of smoking marijuana on lung cancer risk has been of interest. Despite the plausibility of marijuana as a risk factor for lung cancer, the evidence to date has not documented an association after adjusting for tobacco smoking."
Mehra, R, Moore, BA, Crothers, K, et al The association between marijuana smoking and lung cancer: a systematic review. Arch Intern Med 2006;166,1359-1367

Arch Intern Med -- Abstract: The Association Between Marijuana Smoking and Lung Cancer: A Systematic Review, July 10, 2006, Mehra et al. 166 (13): 1359

[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]"Results Nineteen studies met selection criteria. Studies that examined lung cancer risk factors or premalignant changes in the lung found an association of marijuana smoking with increased tar exposure, alveolar macrophage tumoricidal dysfunction, increased oxidative stress, and bronchial mucosal histopathologic abnormalities compared with tobacco smokers or nonsmoking controls. Observational studies of subjects with marijuana exposure failed to demonstrate significant associations between marijuana smoking and lung cancer after adjusting for tobacco use. The primary methodologic deficiencies noted include selection bias, small sample size, limited generalizability, overall young participant age precluding sufficient lag time for lung cancer outcome identification, and lack of adjustment for tobacco smoking.[/FONT]" [FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Reena Mehra, MD, MS; Brent A. Moore, PhD; Kristina Crothers, MD; Jeanette Tetrault, MD; David A. Fiellin, MD [/FONT][FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Arch Intern Med. 2006;166:1359-1367. [/FONT]

I'm not even going to bother with going on any further, it would be a waste of time, since it's obvious you don't know how to analyze something with objectivity.

Turn off fox news and research the true facts, not sloppy half assed research. Cannabis is not a cause of death to 99.999999% of the population. While alcohol, tobacco, and other hard drugs are the true big killers (especially those two legal hard drugs I mentioned).
I agree with the OP, smoking tobacco is an unhealthy waste of time. Thanks to the tobacco industry, more people are dying every year from tobacco than almost everything else combined.

But hey, it's your choice. If you want to smoke tobacco I'm not going to stop you. Just do yourself a favor before becoming one of these tobacco addicts. Figure out why you use tobacco. Is it because you like the effects of tobacco? Or is it because you like the texture of smoke?

If it is the latter, do your body a favor and switch to smoking cannabis. ;) Cannabis has been shown to not increase the chance of lung cancer, even among heavy users. Not only is it far safer and healthier than tobacco, it has some more useful spiritual qualities, which I suppose is a good positive in a forum like this.

Not just weed, even tobacco can be a spiritual substance.. Grown and raised from mother earth ;) From a solid physical substance to an astral translucent form! Far out dude.
best of luck, am in process of taking them and they certainly make them taste disgusting but a day must be set to stop completely for once and for all..hoping some nicotinell inhalers will suffice for the hands/mouth thing if desperately stressed and have a couple of stop smoking visualisation tapes to listen to- eek!

Oh brilliant we'll do it together then. Tomorrow is my give up day :eek:

Do they make you wretch or vomit? I get dreadfully sick with them.

Will confess woke up this morning and thought just do it today ... lasted 50 minutes then had 3 lol

I have written a list of why I want to stop and taped it everywhere. Also got my push bike fixed so will go for a short ride whenever I want one.

Just don't do the "I can have one then stop again", that's how I keep failing ... am a slow learner :D