Well-Known Member
I LOVED The Others! Ive seen it loads of times and never get sick of it.
I don't believe so. eye for an eye was the maximum penalty....not the norm or expected. But a method of determining how much punishment could be let IN COURT, the punishment could not exceed the crime. But vigilante justice, I don't think so.Jew's take an eye for an eye. It is in Judaism doctrine.... To destroy evil. .
I don't believe so. eye for an eye was the maximum penalty....not the norm or expected. But a method of determining how much punishment could be let IN COURT, the punishment could not exceed the crime. But vigilante justice, I don't think so.
As for the scalping you said earlier you didn't understand what I meant by gratuitous stated it exactly....adding the scalping to make the movie more violent. What has happenned to directors that they have to use such special effects to create the scene, the good ones could have used a disgusted face and a handful of hair to do even more than what was done with the visuals. Plus you credibility when these guys didn't need to grow into their sadistic roles...yeah, murder mayhem, no problemo....
In a taunting singing tone...
Some, one's, got, the screener, of, Inglourious Basterds......! Might watch it tonight...
Those that have no idea about this... Basically its a bunch of jews that act just as bad as the nazis....Hunting killing torturing stalking the Nazi soldiers in France (WWII era) Kinda upset to begin with, thought it was going to be a white power film like romper stomper or American history X.
Only down side, Quintons last like 3 movies have been utter horse s***.
I think we play the native american victim card a bit much too... They ain't all the victims they come across as, Oh the indian was such a peaceful, clean and resourceful people... They use every part of the buffalo!.....