....whys guy.... ʎʇıɹoɥʇnɐ uoıʇsǝnb
preciselyWhich was the response to why non believers have a moral compass apart from the Law.
preciselyWhich was the response to why non believers have a moral compass apart from the Law.
That would be the PeshittaIndeed
Aramaic original New Testament theory - Wikipedia
That would be the InterlinearUh... what do you mean?
I only mean the New Testament, to my knowledge, was written in Greek.
You had made an earlier comment about needing Biblical Hebrew to read the original bible and I was just pointing out you would also need Greek if you meant the entire Christian bible.
Are you a Messianic Jew, or simply a Paul detractor?"The spirit of the law" - What does this mean as the law is not a "being" but from the Creator.
The law is not to be interpreted but to obey.
I agree to some extend on the parable of the good Samaritan as it is about the lesser commandment of loving the way He loves us and not how people have been taught.
From what I have seen, there is enough proof that Martin Luther was a Rosicrucian and that the reformation was a controlled opposition. That and is why prophecies does not differentiate between the daughters when it comes to the feast days as an abomination to the most High.
Off course the Book of Isayah is the same, they did not find an english version though?
And not one copy of any Bible I have read is translated 100% correctly.
The commandment is not against changing the Bible but changing the written words of the Almighty.
Not sure where I have said that I do not sin. But yes that parable is why we need to ask for the heart of stone to be removed so we can know His will and not our own and seek His righteousness and not our own.
There is only belief in One that can save us and it is not Paul. The other apostles knew why Paul was sent as one can learn from Scripture that The Word shared more with them than was written.
And as you will notice the real apostles were not boasting or even accusing them as he did.
I do not choose to disbelieve in Paul, I choose to believe in The Word.
I know it is hard to grasp, but we will go in circles as I have gone through this many times before. Re-Read Paul's letters and test every word against that of The Word....
Hi, As it is written all will be revealed and nothing will stay hidden.Uh... what do you mean?
I only mean the New Testament, to my knowledge, was written in Greek.
You had made an earlier comment about needing Biblical Hebrew to read the original bible and I was just pointing out you would also need Greek if you meant the entire Christian bible.
I am a Born-again child of El Elyon, and do not follow a religion but Him only as He does not share His Glory and if one puts ones trust in an arm of flesh He gives over to worshipping the sun, moon and stars.Are you a Messianic Jew, or simply a Paul detractor?
It is known that He did not just spoke Hebrew and that Aramaic was the spoken language in those days. Yes this is the beauty of the Joyful Message as Faith comes by hearing not by interpretation. if you study the Hebrew texts you will notice that there are "missing" elements in the Greek e.g Qadosh/Qodesh/Qadash that are all translated as "holy" (which root comes from the druidic "holly trees")"Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani" He also said this in Aramaic .. definitely referred to God in something other than Hebrew.
Edit to add that He referred to His Father as Abba which is also Aramaic.
I understand what you are saying as I used to think exactly the same when I was trying to find Him through religion and in my journey to find the indwelling of the Set-apart Ruach I noticed that Paul's teachings and the Most High's Word clashed.I didn't say Paul wrote John 3:16. I was referencing the idea that adding extra conditions to salvation is a false gospel.
As far as witnesses to Jesus being a condition of truth I would ask why is that not a condition to John the beloved on the island of Patmos for the Revelation of Jesus Christ. Even though in the telling of Paul's visitation in the book of Acts it was witnessed by those traveling with him.
It just seems to me the same idea that if something doesn't agree then it must be false using whatever reason conjured. I cannot agree with this as I hold the bible inerrant in its current condition and in doing so I can stand on my faith unshaken.
You really didn't respond to my point that Jesus Christ called on God in His name Eloi and to His Father as Abba in something other than Hebrew... With witnesses. If your claim is that preserving God's Holy name in Hebrew is the correct way.. what are you saying about the Lord? Was He wrong? Or is He our example in using Aramaic as the language of the time and is it different than me using His name in the language of MY time.It is known that He did not just spoke Hebrew and that Aramaic was the spoken language in those days. Yes this is the beauty of the Joyful Message as Faith comes by hearing not by interpretation. if you study the Hebrew texts you will notice that there are "missing" elements in the Greek e.g Qadosh/Qodesh/Qadash that are all translated as "holy" (which root comes from the druidic "holly trees")
So in the Greek almost everything is referred to as "holy" If you understand the difference and know that Isar'el is not a "holy" people but a set-apart people (Qodesh) you will know that Only YHOH is Qadosh which means He is not set-apart but He is the One who sets apart.
We cannot be "holy" ourselves which is why we are waiting for the wedding hence us needing sanctification as part of our Salvation.
If one spend enough time in the Hebrew Scriptures you will notice the "emptiness" that goes with the Greek.
Please answer my point is if Paul is a false prophet because there were no witnesses to His visitation... Which there were by the men traveling with him.. how can John the beloved of Jesus be trusted as none witnessed HIS visitation on the island of Patmos? This reason you give us a dangerous and slippery slope. If you deny one by reasoning than you must deny the other with the same reasoning.I understand what you are saying as I used to think exactly the same when I was trying to find Him through religion and in my journey to find the indwelling of the Set-apart Ruach I noticed that Paul's teachings and the Most High's Word clashed.
Paul was definitely not "made up" but real, but like I said before if you read the Book of Jubilees (and then Paul's letters) testing everything he says you should understand why. If not, look towards wisdom as that is required for understanding, which does not come from ourselves.
I just want to say that I do not want to cause confusion and that El Elyon knew there were going to be different branches in the Vine. That is why the Menorah has 7 lights and why He said that the whole of Creation will know that He is the only Elohim as He said in the beginning what will happen in the end of days.Even though my bible doesn't specifically have these books I don't believe they change the original message and purpose of God's will provided in His Word. I have not felt the lack in my walk not having these books but I would not hold them similar to additions like the Watchtower rewritings or the Mormons additions. This is my opinion obviously
Elohi is not Elohim's Name but specifically addressing the Father. Not sure what you are asking though? What is wrong with Him speaking in Aramaic?You really didn't respond to my point that Jesus Christ called on God in His name Eloi and to His Father as Abba in something other than Hebrew... With witnesses. If your claim is that preserving God's Holy name in Hebrew is the correct way.. what are you saying about the Lord? Was He wrong? Or is He our example in using Aramaic as the language of the time and is it different than me using His name in the language of MY time.
I agree that we are to be set apart from the world.. in following Christ and producing fruit despite our wickedness... Professing change and reflecting change. To be light in a dark world and salt preserving until His return sharing the gospel message without adding conditions to His gift.
You speak of sanctification yet that's Paul's teaching in the book of Romans. The Justification Sanctification Glorification process. I'm punching holes in everything you are saying because I repeat that you are taking what you want from the Word and dismissing the rest unless it fits your theology and accusing others of not following a pure more righteous path. I have studied the Greek and I bemoan the pure lack that is the English language. I resonate with the Logos and the Rhema Word as being Jesus and the Word that is the voice of God that cuts to the quick in my very soul.
Mattityahu 10Please answer my point is if Paul is a false prophet because there were no witnesses to His visitation... Which there were by the men traveling with him.. how can John the beloved of Jesus be trusted as none witnessed HIS visitation on the island of Patmos? This reason you give us a dangerous and slippery slope. If you deny one by reasoning than you must deny the other with the same reasoning.
Who is arguing? We are having a discussion on an interfaith site. Did you come to discuss your beliefs with those of other faiths or did you come to stand on a soap box preaching your way or the highway?Mattityahu 10
The slippery slope is trusting the commandments of Paul over the Commandments of the Creator.
We are not going to get anywhere arguing about any of this brother. Please just go and test Paul's words yourself.
Jesus called on the name of God in Aramaic on the cross.. My God My God why has thou forsaken me. Jesus was Jewish yet He did not call on God in Hebrew but in the language of the time. your theory on using the true name of God being important in setting one apart. Jesus the King of Kings used the name of God in Aramaic while dying on the cross. Maybe you need to reread your posts.Elohi is not Elohim's Name but specifically addressing the Father. Not sure what you are asking though? What is wrong with Him speaking in Aramaic?
Sanctification did not start with Paul but a commandment from Yahusha as it means Stay on the Narrow Way. Paul just gave us his understanding and wording of it and we are the end result of a teaching through religion.
I'm not downplaying how you got to Faith. I also came to Faith using another word. Yahusha said there will be some coming to Faith with His Word and some with their word and He also said that there will be strange sheep in the sheepfold but that He wished all to be one.
I used to be of the strange flock because I followed other shepherds and their teachings but now He is my only Shepherd(Pastor) and Overseer (Bishop)
The problem is coming to faith by another word and then following that word instead of the Word Himself. Teachings vs Commandments.
But this shall be the covenant that I will cut with the house of Yashar'el; After those days, says Yahuah, I will put my Torah in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their Elohiym, and they shall be my people. And they shall teach no more every man his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying, Know Yahuah: for they shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, says Yahuah: for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more. YIRMEYAHU (JEREMIAH) 31:33-34 את CEPHER
Yup.That would be the Interlinear
*aside, in Jesus' day the Old Testament was already widely available in Greek, the Septuagint (thank you Bananabrain for bringing this to my attention years ago)
Interesting... but... I wonder if you guys ended up being awfully somber needlessly?I will say that if people have the "fruits of the spirit" (mentioned in Galatians 5:22-23) that they are moral people. That may not surprise most of you, but the morality of the Bible is at odds with the world's morality.
About a year ago I had a discussion with some atheist and agnostic friends. Eventually our conversation steered towards fundamental Christians. Everyone was agreeing that God isn't really that offensive, just his "homophobic and transphobic" laws. But then I pointed out something to them. Pretty much everything about God, His laws, His advice, and His character are offensive to the world. Don't believe me? After our discussion they actually agreed and that agreement ended our evening. Here are some examples of what I brought up.
1. Worldly law - Follow your heart
God's law - "The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?"
Constantly I hear people say that we should follow our heart or listen to our heart. God warns us that the heart is full of evil thoughts (Mark 7:21-23)
2. Worldly law - Stand by your opinion no matter what.
God's law - Always be subject to reproof and be willing to shed your pride aside.
"Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates reproof is stupid" (Proverbs 12:1)
"He who is often reproved, yet stiffens his neck, will suddenly be broken beyond healing." (Proverbs 29:1)
3. Worldly law - Be quick to judge someone, especially if politics are involved. Judge before knowing the facts.
God's law - "Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment.” (John 7:24)
"If one gives an answer before he hears, it is his folly and shame." (Proverbs 18:13)
4. Worldly law - A. Love yourself B. Love who you are because you are great just the way you are.
God's law - "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another." (John 13:34) "Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves." (Philippians 2:3) "For if anyone thinks he is something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself." (Galatians 6:3)
5. Worldly law - Act on your emotions! If you are angry, react swiftly! (Very common with political discussions).
God's law - "Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger" (James 1:9)
"A fool gives full vent to his spirit, but a wise man quietly holds it back." (Proverbs 29:11)
6. Worldly law - Trust and put your faith in politicians and famous people.
God's law - "It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man." (Psalm 118:8) "Thus says the Lord: “Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his strength, whose heart turns away from the Lord." (Jeremiah 17:5)
There are plenty more examples, but I've made my point. God and His writings are offensive to the world. Surprisingly at the end of our discussion everyone agreed. It became a somber discussion, but it is true. The world hates God.
Who is arguing? We are having a discussion on an interfaith site. Did you come to discuss your beliefs with those of other faiths or did you come to stand on a soap box preaching your way or the highway?
You did not answer my question regarding the differences between Paul and Johns experience with Jesus and why one is ok and the other is not.
I have tested and been tested by the words of Paul and have absolute faith in them as being inspired scripture.
I cannot and will not accept that God would allow His Word to be so corrupted as you claim allowing so many people to miss the mark and fall into error. I serve a mighty and all powerful God.
Paul underwent great suffering for his work for the Lord and is considered a martyr for Christ as he was beheaded. He held to his faith till the very end.. think a false prophet or teacher would have the strength for that? The Lord's strength was made perfect in his weakness.
I would imagine standing in front of the Lord giving an account of ones self and declaring that Paul was false would be terrible. But that is my very humble opinion.
Sources for the statement about Paul living out his life in Spain.Paul was not killed but lived out his life in Spain. The other apostles on the other hand did not just as foretold and if you read into what happened you will notice that Paul came out unscathed when those accompanying him did not.