True, it also depends on who is teaching them/their criteria as well as how a person choose to interpret the lesson(s) ...
As we now see, Pope Francis has his own approach far different than those who preceded him ...
I'm hoping he will live long enough to make a greater impact ... :D
This is true, however, if a regression is done properly there should not be any residual effects ...
Mine was like watching TV - I saw the person who looked like me living her life - it outlined the circumstances for the decisions that were made at the time regardless if they were good or bad as...
I find the suggestion valid & acceptable, otherwise, there would be no need for Sunday school or to attend Mass to have the Bible interpreted ...
I don't see this as a matter of right or wrong, I see this isssue as one a person can improve their understanding of ...
Some people come away feeling...
I get the same answer I initially got ...
Incarnation is linear - moves forward w/time ...
Kind of like "Roll w/the changes - yeah - yeah - roll w/the changes" ...
Oops! I forgot no singing! :eek:
Still don't understand why my late husband didn't like hearing my raw screeching yet happy singing! :D
I don't think there is a black & white answer to this ...
Its like saying you are or you are not ...
Those who are indecisive can go w/it for as long as they want w/out denying their beliefs &/or conflicting views ...
How a person labels themself is by choice ...
From your standpoint, I can see...
Curiosity killed the cat ...
Satisfaction brought him back ... ;)
I like simplicity! :D
Therefore, my interpretation is the curious cat became exhausted, frustrated & saw the futility in going in further in his search ...
The question became low lying ...
When the day came that it was answered...
I agree!
It is also true for some to behave/think of themself as "The Divine" ...
Even though it will create conflict for them to feed off of, its sad for those who have accidentally engaged this type of person ...
Its alot of work to be compassionate, respectful & look at both sides than it is...
Thank you for the compliment!
I had a wonderful marriage & was once upon a time a probation officer ...
I worked w/domestic abuse couples & individuals - I swear it was all the same! "EGO"! ;)
I wholeheartedly agree! :D
However, expanding one's knowledge is not a requirement nor are improving one's communication skills or learning civil behavior ...
Some people believe "Ignorance is Bliss"; it could explain cynicism & lack of humility as well as righteousness ...
We can always hope...
Sounds as if the choice is made by the type of relationship they once had on earth ...
Anywhoo, a spouse is a soulmate for life - the strongest soul connection unlike other family members or soul affiliations ...
A helpful suggestion for everyone to know when consoling someone who has or is...
Shortly after my husband's death I began having informative dreams from him & alot of paranormal activity ...
I tested each one first before immediately believing they were of a spiritual nature ...
Being a member of a widow/er forum I came to learn there were hundreds of us who had or were also...
I do agree, its healthy to exhange ideas and share beliefs ...
Problem is some have not reached a level of greater understanding, therefore, it is almost impossible to expect more than what is given ...
The ego is very touchy where humility does not exist when being corrected or provided w/food...
I didn't have time to mention in my earlier reply that I do believe humility is a valuable trait ...
I've come across people who refuse to apologize for being flippant, rude, condescending or offensive all the way around ...
Sadly, they're talking heads who simply don't care about others ...
I asked you two ...
There's no need to apologize for your answers, however, its not necessary to be rude or offensive ("f" off attitude) ...
Its okay to discuss issues in a civil manner as well as remember there is a human being(s) on the other end ... ;)
From your consistent negavity, it appears to be deeper than that ...
I'm curious as to the reason it still persists decades later ...
It seens as you've led a very nice life if this is the only issue you have ...
To be so fortunate!
I'm too busy living to ever think about it, but I do find it sad & a bit curious that people would want to see the end of the world or even consider it ...
I think if one's God were indeed merciful the end of the world would happen as people are going about their daily living ...
Just a quick...
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