The Dangerous Dinner
If I were interested in consensus I might comment on the rest of your rambles for instance, but they are utterly a nonsense. What use is anyone going to get out of any of it? They are your theories and you consider them useful, it is because you have studied these topics and have attached to your conclusions.
I could say the same about your theories. The difference between my theories and your's is that my theories are not entirely my own. I have added my own "innovations" but they are largely the work of others. I am using other people's research. The concepts I talk about here have a chance of being more "useful" because other people are actually interested in them. The other major difference is that unlike you, my theories are not about "an answer to everything."
In reality, you are discussing the past, something utterly dead, and thus there is no use in me taking on that information. Now consensus is impossible because I declare it all utterly pointless knowledge.
What you talk about on these forums is something that potentially doesn't exist. You talk about higher plane concepts, but there is no way of verifying if any of that stuff is true. To the rest of us it is nonsense. To me, only what exists in the mundane world can be verified as real. Everything else requires faith.
You use words like "dead" and "pointless" to make your own theories seem more important. You blame others when you don't get your point across, but maybe the fault is your own. You consider your cause to be so important that when people don't fall in line with your views, you blame them. Firstly, you're just not convincing and secondly, people have to see things your way and when they don't you say it's their fault. Who is ultimately responsible for that?
You called Jesus "vengeful" for his "outburst," but you aren't any better because you speak disparagingly of people when they don't give you what you want. By your own reasoning, you must be a vengeful person. You are behaving a lot like Jesus.