human nature - inherently good or evil?

Pure smoke and mirrors and distraction. The main thing is, while the world is not nice neat, consistent and conherent, to communicate to others you must be. 'Nuff said.

I respond to you without such requirements because my statements are authentic to existence, it is not something I have decided this way or that, it is just the way things are.

I am not reading your replies, thinking what I have said before, and then trying to figure out how to apply it to that. I speak from truth, and truth isn't always consistent, more to the point it is not always helpful to be consistent. If you are too much in support of something, I will knock it down because it is a concept. I could completely agree, but I am merely causing you to see it isn't necessarily the case.

It is because nothing from mind can be truth, it can only come close through deduction. If you think you already understand, you will project your understanding onto words and they will not do their job. If you have not experienced, you cannot really understand, so this projection is harmful.
That explains so much. Just realize your "authentic to exitence" is yours, not everyone's. So it is not "just the way things are". It is just the way things are in your experience. Truth, the way most people use it, is far from what you are exspounding. Please try to apply "If you are too much in support of something, I will knock it down because it is a concept. I could completely agree, but I am merely causing you to see it isn't necessarily the case" (which is a really good idea) to yourself. Deduction in Hindu or Buddhist or Western Logics is something "from the mind", deductions, like states-of-affairs, do not hang around on trees like fruit.
Finally, "if you have not experienced, you cannot really understand" (another good point, except there is physical and psychical experience both, hence our differences between my "deeper understanding" and your "experience") that is something else you may put in your "point to myself" notebook.

See, I have been in real danger, I have lived a real life. Not some pretend wanna be a guru solipsism. Try to understand what you think and what you believe are just that, dust in the wind, fragments of fantasies. So do not mistake them for truth (heck, I am not even sure what that concept is).

Pax et amore omnia vincunt. Radarmark
Deduction in Hindu or Buddhist or Western Logics is something "from the mind".

Umm exactly, hence cannot be truth...

See, I have been in real danger, I have lived a real life. Not some pretend wanna be a guru solipsism.

You are too much in the past, but past is dead, it is just a memory of something which ceases to be the case anymore. Future too, it is not here, you cannot control it... at least there is a valid argument in preparation here though. Only this moment exists, it can only ever be now.

Drop all this crap your mind has accumulated, do not make comparisons - they do not help anything. My soul could be thousands of years older than yours, time is irrelevant. Look at your own reaction, simply look without identification. What has arisen? Where has it come from? No matter your age, you are acting very immature. When you can return to mature discussion, I will be waiting.
This is all I have discussed, yet you go on separating everything even after the encounter... it is puzzling.
That's because I'm suggesting there's a whole other world, as it were, of which you appear unaware.

The void is something Buddhists and Hindu's both teach, yet they describe many practices because they are not told it is impossible - in fact they are told it is the very goal.
That still does not say whether whatever 'it' might be is attainable by sheer effort, in which case it lies within the possibility of human nature and is strictly cosmological, or whether there is a dependency on something greater, 'outside' the created order, in which case it transcends the cosmological.

Everything you have argued so far still seems this side of the void, within the cosmological possibility of nature.

In Christianity, you taught it is purely by grace...
Because grace comes from the other side of the void, as it were...

... there is also a certain truth in this, it is as a reward for the effort but you have not done it.
Here you go with the judgements again ... I would say you are detemining the experience according to the sensations it produces, bliss, for example, or one-ness ... whereas I am saying the Christian Mystical Tradition focus not on the sensation or the sensible, but on being as such. Being and knowing.

How can you return from the void?
You tell me ... we don't see a void, we see a plenitude.

The 7th plane is only accessible for humans through meditation, when meditation has ended they will return to the 6th ...
To us, these planes are constructs, an artifice not without usefulness but tends towards rigidity. I rather view it as a more organic process, so the person is not level this or level that, but rather moves in a single medium, sometimes high, sometimes low, sometimes occupying apparently simultaneous positions ... I do accept we all tend to create artificial markers, but when these become barriers, I think they lose their usefulness.

... Maitreya Ishwara claims ...
I wish you had made this clear at the beginning, it would have saved a lot of time.

... In the void, Buddha describes a state of not non-awareness and not awareness, he simply doesn't exist in that space and nothing can be remembered of it...
Really? Then everyone's labouring toward something about which they have no idea? I doubt that. Eckhart, for example, seems to know it quite well?

can venture and report of it...

I am not sure what you mean by the trinities oneness being greater than the metaphysical oneness... the trinity is Christianities metaphysics.[/quite]
Quite. My point is yopu're being quite superior in attitude towards something you do not understand.

As I keep saying, it hints at the 3 dimensional world, and tells you truth is a oneness.
Does it? To me it explains why anything exists at all, rather than just accepting that it does ...

What you describe, the East calls a satori or kensho, it is not unique to Christians.
The way of it is unique, I think, although Jodoshin comes close, I suppose.

For me, all the baggage should be dropped now, this is where interfaith dialog should begin - it is the first point of equality, before this the devices and clingings are utterly different.
Lunitik, from the very first you have assumed a position of superiority and been quite disparaging about every experience other than your own ... if you really want to engage in interfaith dialogue, I suggest you have a lot of baggage to divest yourself of first. For someone who claims no ego, you certainly seem to evidence one in full flow.

In the East, the knowledge from here is unrivaled because Christians have stopped here.
How can you say that when you admit you don't understand what the other is saying in the first place?

God bless,

That's because I'm suggesting there's a whole other world, as it were, of which you appear unaware.

In this experience, I have disappeared, I have no reason to believe that when this body dies I will exist at all as something individual. I see no usefulness in some 300 billion separate entities floating around randomly in an afterlife. I simply don't think existence is this stupid, and my ego doesn't insist on my eternal existence as something distinct.

That still does not say whether whatever 'it' might be is attainable by sheer effort, in which case it lies within the possibility of human nature and is strictly cosmological, or whether there is a dependency on something greater, 'outside' the created order, in which case it transcends the cosmological.

This all seems entirely of mind, imagination insisting something else exists. I do not believe there is anything like God as a personality, it is the whole. The void is simply the highest form of consciousness, which is our true nature.

Because grace comes from the other side of the void, as it were...

This suggests the void is intelligent and is choosing who to bless and who not to bless with grace.

Here you go with the judgements again ... I would say you are detemining the experience according to the sensations it produces, bliss, for example, or one-ness ... whereas I am saying the Christian Mystical Tradition focus not on the sensation or the sensible, but on being as such. Being and knowing.

As does every tradition, I am saying that if you never pursue it, it never happens. You have to be open to it, you must provide the space for it to happen.

This is not judgement, this is my own experience and the experience of at least hundreds of other mystics.

To us, these planes are constructs, an artifice not without usefulness but tends towards rigidity. I rather view it as a more organic process, so the person is not level this or level that, but rather moves in a single medium, sometimes high, sometimes low, sometimes occupying apparently simultaneous positions ... I do accept we all tend to create artificial markers, but when these become barriers, I think they lose their usefulness.

They are observed levels of consciousness, obviously there is nothing like a sign post "Approaching 6th Body, Next Left" or anything. We are not in disagreement here, I am simply trying to bring in other traditions so maybe your opinions will be less rigid.

Really? Then everyone's labouring toward something about which they have no idea? I doubt that. Eckhart, for example, seems to know it quite well?

Doubt all you want, it is the case. Eckhart doesn't describe the 7th body, he describes nothing but a kensho or satori. We can tell because he still clings, his descriptions are just like mine, and we can see he has tried to make sense of it. He has not entered the void, too much of his words try to glorify Christ.

Does it? To me it explains why anything exists at all, rather than just accepting that it does ...

Everything exists from the oneness, from that state, they have been manifested in this plane and thus is now three dimensional. Nothing in this plane exists otherwise...

The way of it is unique, I think, although Jodoshin comes close, I suppose.

It is not even unique in this way, only the stories can be called unique. It is the most common form of yoga - bhakti - almost every tradition in the world utilizes this method. It means a love tradition, few do not use this method, and few of these types of traditions are particularly fruitful. It is because this method maintains duality, and few become so complete in their love of the object to lose the subject. It is beautiful that this has happened for you, but for me other methods are more fruitful just by observing those who have reached.

Lunitik, from the very first you have assumed a position of superiority and been quite disparaging about every experience other than your own ... if you really want to engage in interfaith dialogue, I suggest you have a lot of baggage to divest yourself of first. For someone who claims no ego, you certainly seem to evidence one in full flow.

You are incorrect, I speak with a level of authority because I know what I say is truth, but I do not claim superiority at all. I am unwilling to waiver on what I know, but I do not claim it is only available to one tradition, in fact I say that every tradition known to man can deliver.

I do not make comparisons at all, because I understand that all is one.
I find this really, really difficult. On this thread I sense that everyone is speaking from their center, their truth. But I also sense that the conversation is lost... like one speaking Mandarin and one speaking Dine.

There are a great many communicating with each other here, which is really, relly great. But there are a few closed minds not open to the metaphorical and mystical truths of other beings.

If my words have (strictly inadvertantly) inflicted harm, I accept responsibility. Like some others claim, I was only trying to teach.

And at the bottom a lot of what is being said is so true. I am not an exlusionist, so let me say that Process Theology, Quaker/UU Practice, the source of Perennialism are all pretty much in-line. That being said, there is a strong current of extinctionism in all of these... eternal self is not a given in all practices. And skepticism (as a hard core Western Philosophy) leads to the same place Lunitik claims "self-extinction in this life". Perhaps as wil says, a bridge over the abyss.

Pax et amore omnia vincunt, radarmark
Skepticism cannot lead anywhere, how can it? You are saying "no", which fuels ego... it firms the prison, it will not allow you to go anywhere outside your cell. This is always the case, it is because there is a subtle control behind the no, you are asserting yourself against what has been suggested

What I say is that you should say "yes" to both the positive and negative, this removes distinctions, you are no longer choosing so ego is not fueled. After a while of doing this, you realize you are only the witness, ego simply dies of its own accord but this "self-extinction" is not how it should be said. You have not done it, and the self is still there it just isn't the limited self which we call ego anymore. Ego is not an actual thing, it is a concept you have identified with, this is the base confinement that moksha and nirvana liberates us from.

The prison is the mind, witnessing transcends mind because it creates a distance from mind, you are able to watch mind so it cannot be that it is you. When you understand you are the witness, now you have created the center, otherwise everything you do and say is only a circumference. The circumference seems chaotic because there is no centering, there is a wrong perspective. When you have located your center, you are liberated, it is that simple.

Suffering is caused by this wrong perspective, desire drags us to the circumference, this is the whole teaching of the East: find the center and stay there. Whatsoever is done from the center cannot be evil, cannot be sinful. Everything you do from the circumference can only be evil, sinful, because you are not aware, you are identified with it. This is the normal state, always "I am typing on a forum" or "I am watching TV", "I am young" or "I am old", "I am angry" or "I am sad" always identifying with something transient, temporary. You are the witness of that "I", witness of that doer...
Nothing I say is a teaching though, I am not interested in teaching at all... my words are a pointer for anyone that happens to be reading.

If you are learning, if you become a student, you are again missing your center. It is just a new direction for ego, nothing will really change, there will not be any transformation. I do not want you to acquire more knowledge through my words, this won't help at all. Nothing I say is to be practiced, because then you create a habit, it isn't authentic. What I point to is something else, it is a map out of the prison, because I know all of the doors are wide open, you have simply stayed in your cell because you don't know what is outside.
I am not discussion perceptions, I am saying he is measurably insane - any psychologist or doctor would confirm it.
To me, your method of measure appears insane.

The soul is not real, so it cannot be sick. Choices are always sick because of the process of choosing, you are picking half at most - perhaps there are more choices, then it is a choice even less than half. You cannot love with half your being, it must be total. Faith, again, not something that can be half. Honesty simply cannot exist in half, if it is not completely true it is a lie.

You are right though, the perception of choice, the confusion is from soul. Soul is ego is mind, totality is only possible through heart.
That may be how you prefer to see it, but it is not necessarily so. A light switch is either on or off, but there is a choice of whether to have it on or off at every moment. You say the soul is the ego. Thank you, I am going to frame it and remind you of it.

How have you concluded that I have dropped heart for mind?
You have been saying this in various ways, though it was not your intention.

No, I am simply saying that with you these things are coming from mind instead of heart. Heart does not have motives, it does not have purpose, it simply does. Mind is always planning, very cunning, always it wants to find that which will be most beneficial.

How can you do if mind is still considering which is better to do? No, it is heart that jumps, that decides that mind is being stupid and dives into doing.
The heart is a pump that brings energy and removes entropy. All things with the mind, and all things with the body, were done with the heart. If you have Tourettes syndrome, or impulsive reflexes, for example, then you most certainly can do things without the willful use of your mind. Otherwise, I'd say a person making use of their heart without their mind belongs in a horror movie: the walking dead.

See, you can be conscious of the activity, but consciousness is not of brain. Many mystics say body-mind - they make no distinction at all. Unconsciousness is simply the result of repression, suppression, this is dangerous. Consciousness is not mind, consciousness is a drop of the ultimate.
As you wish, but you will notice that you are not conscious of what is in my mind except as I share it with you.

Then what is watching mind? When you are up late at night trying to sleep and mind keeps on racing, what is observing that mind won't quiet itself? Whatever you call this, this is what I refer to as consciousness.
Quite apparently, you are observing.

This is another problem, you don't try to understand what is being said, you are too much stuck on your current set of concepts - it makes it difficult to communicate with you.
Blind accusation.

I have no perception of your motives whatsoever.
Thus, the accusation was another blind fabrication.

Also, because I repress nothing, because I act totally, there is nothing which occurs unconsciously. I cannot allow it to be moved into the unconscious because as you say this too you are responsible for. You are free to test this as much as you please.
No, I have said 'take responsibility'. If I leave a car on the street without setting the parking brake, and the regular brake fails, the car rolls down the street and kills someone, then I could simply watch it happen, be conscious of it, and raise my hands and say that it was just a natural tragedy. I did what came natural, the car did what came natural, and I had no idea that it was going to happen. Or, I can 'take responsibility' and spend the time to think about my actions and their potential repercussions, think about the uncertainty with the car, the potential for brakes to fail, and 'take responsibility' for it. I am obviously not the car, but I can 'take responsibility' for it by making use of my mind.

Nothing is as plain as simply labeling it as wrong, through compromise though, you are settling for half. You should not impede on others, they must be willing, but when you start cutting yourself into sections you are planting the seeds of enmity, both will be unhappy because neither has gotten what they want.
While you say that I am not whole and happy if I choose not to murder, not to rape, not to steal, etc..., I will say that with every action I will have grouped myself with the people I appreciate by working to be who I appreciate in others. I won't be too happy if someone murders, rapes, or steals.

Jesus says love your neighbor as yourself, you cannot love another unless you love yourself first though.
Very well: Love yourself in the ways that you would have others Love themselves.
That may be how you prefer to see it, but it is not necessarily so. A light switch is either on or off, but there is a choice of whether to have it on or off at every moment. You say the soul is the ego. Thank you, I am going to frame it and remind you of it.

The light switch is not choosing, the light is not choosing, they simply accept what you have done.

Feel free to use it repeatedly, I stand by it, soul is a function of ego, it is the creation of ego - the very nature of your separation.

You have been saying this in various ways, though it was not your intention.

I go on saying mind must be transcended, so you have determined I intend to say you should drop heart and function from head... this is a very bizarre projection onto my words - you have essentially seen the exact opposite of everything I have said.

The heart is a pump that brings energy and removes entropy. All things with the mind, and all things with the body, were done with the heart. If you have Tourettes syndrome, or impulsive reflexes, for example, then you most certainly can do things without the willful use of your mind. Otherwise, I'd say a person making use of their heart without their mind belongs in a horror movie: the walking dead.

Come on, I do not mean the physical heart, I mean the heart chakra... this is the center of your being, of your astral self if you like, soul too is valid.

Quite apparently, you are observing.

Indeed, but what is that "you"?

Blind accusation.

No, quite experiential... it is difficult to communicate with you because you take everything too literally - see the heart statement above for an example. You are very much about the surface details, you don't even consider what overall might be being pointed to...

Let me say again: truth is not expressible with words, I must attempt to point with impotent words, you must bear with me but you make it hard.

No, I have said 'take responsibility'. If I leave a car on the street without setting the parking brake, and the regular brake fails, the car rolls down the street and kills someone, then I could simply watch it happen, be conscious of it, and raise my hands and say that it was just a natural tragedy. I did what came natural, the car did what came natural, and I had no idea that it was going to happen. Or, I can 'take responsibility' and spend the time to think about my actions and their potential repercussions, think about the uncertainty with the car, the potential for brakes to fail, and 'take responsibility' for it. I am obviously not the car, but I can 'take responsibility' for it by making use of my mind.

Yes, respond, but most of the time people will react - there is a subtle difference. Reactions will almost certainly be a terrible method, you will simply chase the car thinking you can catch it or something. Maybe in responding, you will jump in another car and speed up to place the other car in front and actually stop it. There is more wisdom behind the response because you are more aware of the situation.

While you say that I am not whole and happy if I choose not to murder, not to rape, not to steal, etc..., I will say that with every action I will have grouped myself with the people I appreciate by working to be who I appreciate in others. I won't be too happy if someone murders, rapes, or steals.

Are you saying this so people will be impressed?

Very well: Love yourself in the ways that you would have others Love themselves.

I don't bring others into it at all, I am not concerned what others are doing - they are walking their own path as I walk mine. I accept them in their entirety knowing they cannot be any different at this stage in their life.
The light switch is not choosing, the light is not choosing, they simply accept what you have done.

Feel free to use it repeatedly, I stand by it, soul is a function of ego, it is the creation of ego - the very nature of your separation.
As you wish.

I go on saying mind must be transcended, so you have determined I intend to say you should drop heart and function from head... this is a very bizarre projection onto my words - you have essentially seen the exact opposite of everything I have said.
Fabrication and a miss.

No, quite experiential... it is difficult to communicate with you because you take everything too literally - see the heart statement above for an example. You are very much about the surface details, you don't even consider what overall might be being pointed to...
Fabrication. I think you don't know what I consider, nor what I consider it from.

Let me say again: truth is not expressible with words, I must attempt to point with impotent words, you must bear with me but you make it hard.
In your case, perhaps. Not necessarily: you can be truthful.

Yes, respond, but most of the time people will react - there is a subtle difference. Reactions will almost certainly be a terrible method, you will simply chase the car thinking you can catch it or something. Maybe in responding, you will jump in another car and speed up to place the other car in front and actually stop it. There is more wisdom behind the response because you are more aware of the situation.
More to my point: take responsibility and think ahead.

Are you saying this so people will be impressed?

I don't bring others into it at all, I am not concerned what others are doing - they are walking their own path as I walk mine. I accept them in their entirety knowing they cannot be any different at this stage in their life.
More fabrications.

I believe we agree on one point: We should increase our DO. You say that you have experience. Doing what? Meditating: Sitting and doing little, thinking of nothing by not thinking of anything. Not necessarily a bad exercise, but that is what I consider it: an exercise.

I am likewise saying you need to increase your DO. Do what?
I think you don't know what I consider, nor what I consider it from.

You are perfectly correct, I am only seeing how you reply to me on this site...

I believe we agree on one point: We should increase our DO. You say that you have experience. Doing what? Meditating: Sitting and doing little, thinking of nothing by not thinking of anything. Not necessarily a bad exercise, but that is what I consider it: an exercise.

Meditation is a device, it allows you to cease mind, it stops the wasted energy of a busy mind. From this space, response is possible. Now you can do without being the doer, you simply go with the flow of life. Ordinarily, we project onto the world, we will judge everyone we come into contact with, we will become frustrated for instance if we find ourselves in a long cue or a car jam, always we are fighting the NOW. From this pure place of response, these everyday stresses simply never arise, your whole outlook simply changes.

Once you can find this place, you no longer even need the device. Your whole life will be meditative, but it is possible to start identifying with the meditating and then you're in the same old problem: ego.
Meditation is a device
I think it is an activity, or the lack of it.

it allows you to cease mind, it stops the wasted energy of a busy mind.
I agree if you want silence and can't achieve it, then practice helps.

Now you can do without being the doer, you simply go with the flow of life.
Which, to you may be heaven. Being around you would be hell. That said, if you'd like to come and witness what I do, you are invited.

Ordinarily, we project onto the world, we will judge everyone we come into contact with, we will become frustrated for instance if we find ourselves in a long cue or a car jam, always we are fighting the NOW.
As you say 'we', you project yourself onto others.

From this pure place of response, these everyday stresses simply never arise, your whole outlook simply changes.
So not concerning yourself with others, and situations, and thinking about them, eliminates your stress. Similarly not lifting a finger for others, and situations, eliminates your stress too. Relaxing at home in a nice comfy chair, just meditating, all alone and loving yourself, certainly sounds peaceful. Maybe a nice quiet cemetary where nobody can interrupt. Maybe with a kitty or a dog that won't challenge your beliefs. I agree with you: if it were a reduction in stress that I were looking for then meditation would be an exercise towards it.

Once you can find this place, you no longer even need the device. Your whole life will be meditative, but it is possible to start identifying with the meditating and then you're in the same old problem: ego.
Interesting to hear that you no longer need to meditate. So, do you?
If you want an alternative (it is slightly different from meditation and, it too, leads to "now") look up "silence in religious society of friends". A calming without having to leave the world (Quakers are big on remaining ethically engaged).

Pax et amore omnia vincunt.
Another alternative is walking meditation. It's my main form of "meditation" (mindfulness/awareness). I put in one hour daily, and then 20 full days each year during a couple of backpacking trips. If a person hasn't tried it, I can highly recommend it. Although I also think the "objectless, do-nothing" form of meditation is also a useful practice to turn off the mind and I try to incorporate that once in a while...

I think that in order to fully engage with the world (DO), one also has to "leave the world" periodically to "recharge the batteries" (DO NOTHING). I try to find the right balance between the two in my personal life.

Leucy, do you practice any form of meditation?
Another alternative is walking meditation. It's my main form of "meditation" (mindfulness/awareness). I put in one hour daily, and then 20 full days each year during a couple of backpacking trips. If a person hasn't tried it, I can highly recommend it. Although I also think the "objectless, do-nothing" form of meditation is also a useful practice to turn off the mind and I try to incorporate that once in a while...

I think that in order to fully engage with the world (DO), one also has to "leave the world" periodically to "recharge the batteries" (DO NOTHING). I try to find the right balance between the two in my personal life.

We are of one mind here :)

Walking meditation (kinhin) intersperses just sitting (zazen). Kinhin might be viewed as a half way house between zazen and everyday life.
I think it is an activity, or the lack of it.

Certainly, if you set aside time to meditate, it is exactly an activity...

I agree if you want silence and can't achieve it, then practice helps.

It isn't about silence, it is about stilling the mind because everything that goes through the mind is utter crap... just watch, it is also so pointless.

Which, to you may be heaven. Being around you would be hell. That said, if you'd like to come and witness what I do, you are invited.

What are you trying to accomplish by saying this? Are you asking me on a date? I'm confused.

As you say 'we', you project yourself onto others.

"We" here is humans... only through the ceasing of mind will projecting cease...

So not concerning yourself with others, and situations, and thinking about them, eliminates your stress. Similarly not lifting a finger for others, and situations, eliminates your stress too. Relaxing at home in a nice comfy chair, just meditating, all alone and loving yourself, certainly sounds peaceful. Maybe a nice quiet cemetary where nobody can interrupt. Maybe with a kitty or a dog that won't challenge your beliefs. I agree with you: if it were a reduction in stress that I were looking for then meditation would be an exercise towards it.

I don't even concern myself with me, you have a wrong understanding though. It simply means I am not thinking about what must be done, it means that if any situation arises my mind is clear so I act purely in the moment. It is not about being lazy, this is where you seem to be stuck.

Interesting to hear that you no longer need to meditate. So, do you?

I do not stop meditating to sit and meditate, no.
Another alternative is walking meditation. It's my main form of "meditation" (mindfulness/awareness). I put in one hour daily, and then 20 full days each year during a couple of backpacking trips. If a person hasn't tried it, I can highly recommend it. Although I also think the "objectless, do-nothing" form of meditation is also a useful practice to turn off the mind and I try to incorporate that once in a while...

I think that in order to fully engage with the world (DO), one also has to "leave the world" periodically to "recharge the batteries" (DO NOTHING). I try to find the right balance between the two in my personal life.

Leucy, do you practice any form of meditation?

See, this is a doing, you are doing for 1 hour...

Meditation is a state, simply be aware always, in every situation you find yourself in. Go with the flow of life with an awareness, this is the culmination of meditative practice, the purposeful meditation is simply to know the place of meditation... now go into the world and stay in that place.

Now you are not the doer, you are the watcher... the watcher is what meditation creates in you. It is no longer something temporary...
See, this is a doing, you are doing for 1 hour...

Agreed, but this is how long my lunch hour is, therefore this is how long I can practice walking meditation. After that when I return to my office I try to be as aware as I can without the walking part :)

I agree the ultimate state is to be constantly aware outside of temporary meditation. I am progressively getting better at this over time through the act of purposeful, temporary meditation.

But did not Buddha himself practice purposeful meditation after bodhi? So, even if a "meditative state" is the goal for a life of awareness, shouldn't one continue to practice purposeful meditation, sitting (zazen) or walking (kinhin)?

You say you "do not stop meditating to sit and meditate", but Buddha apparently found value in this "doing"?