
"I saw Him, Christ Jesus, face to face, and it is He Who has resurrected me, body and soul, no one else, as He has said He would do. Now that is fine for me, how about you? If all you have left in you is the usual snide remarks against all which He has accomplished for over 2,000 years, it is probably best you get it all out of your system, lest the good culture shock paralize you forever."

Yet another snittty remark, my, my. What has your version of "He" accomplished other than stur up this kind of judgemental nastiness? Oh, I forgot.... the Crusades, the Rhieland expedition, the destruction of the Cathars, the North American holocaust.

Pax et amore omnia vincunt
Do you have any specific examples of those who are incurring "His wrath"?
Christ has said concerning those who lead astray the young believer in Him that it is better for him/her to tie a millstone around his/her neck and drown him/her self in the sea.
There is now hope, simply put.

And what does that get us? Hope is merely a positive projection into the future.

That has not been my intent, neither can you quote me as writing anything as such. Your inference is calumnious.

Your other false Christs, such as Buddha or Krishna which you mention, are less than Christ Jesus in that you willfully insult while claiming their superiority. There is a saying, "A man can be judged by the company he keeps."

Wow, is the second paragraph here just to make the first easier to refute?
So long as that arriving includes insulting others due to a hateful attitude . . .

Fortunately, it is possible to communicate in love. Try it sometime.

Do you feel your words are out of love?

I have been transformed into love, it is not possible for me to do anything without love being a part.
Christ has said concerning those who lead astray the young believer in Him that it is better for him/her to tie a millstone around his/her neck and drown him/her self in the sea.

Edward - why do you think so many millions of Catholic faithful suffer in dire poverty in this world; without enough food to eat, clean water to drink, or sanitary restrooms? Do you think overpopulation plays a role, too many people not enough resources?

You say we now have hope in the time since Jesus has died, but unfortunately hope doesn't put food on the table in this lifetime...
Edward, you might find this interesting.

For me, there is no such thing as coincidence, so when faced with the details of Yus Asif - namely, that he came to a Buddhist monastery at age 14 and left when he was 29, that he was from Israel, and that the time frame exactly corresponds to Jesus' lost years - well, it certainly raises alarms.

If Issa - Jesus - has learned from Buddha, how can you say Buddha is a false Christ?

Of course, if Jesus has learned from Buddhists, it sort of messes up the whole image of his being the incarnation of God. If he is merely a student of Buddha, which many of his teachings seem to suggest, it certainly brings a new light to all Christianity. Then, no Christian will permit this to be so, no matter how much evidence is raised. The organization will never relinquish the power that Jesus permits them.

Even Sufism and Advaita has been similarly influenced by Buddhism, there is much evidence for it. Every mystic school has at least interacted and taken from Buddhism what they have seen as useful - and many branches of Buddhism have done the same, of course.

For me, it is extremely valuable to compare and contrast, dropping all that is non-useful about all the faiths. What they each point at is so very simple that you will find the traditions ridiculous when you have found it.
Love is the glue of existence, religion is the result, the re-binding.

When we split and divide existence, when we differentiate the traditions one from another, we create hatred. That is utterly irreligious, it is simply going in the other direction. We need to bring them closer, we need to realize that all these religious founders have experienced exactly the same event. Then there can be peace, but in the name of love, instead we go on fighting and killing each other.

Each of us is unique, we cannot simply emulate one enlightened being and expect it to work for all of mankind. We should be able to use all enlightened ones teachings as a way to find our own paths. Even then, we should never cling to one, otherwise we simply sacrifice our individuality, we render ourselves irrelevant.
Indeed you did, and I have the rope, the stone, and the sea to help you, too.

I think you misunderstood. I was pointing out that the "hope" and the loving communication"was sorely missing for the many millions who have died at the hands of the Christian Faithful.

Yep, it is true "A man can be judged by the company he keeps".
There is now hope, simply put.

That has not been my intent, neither can you quote me as writing anything as such. Your inference is calumnious.

Your other false Christs, such as Buddha or Krishna which you mention, are less than Christ Jesus in that you willfully insult while claiming their superiority. There is a saying, "A man can be judged by the company he keeps."
Matthew 9:9-11
9 As Jesus went on from there, He saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax office, and He said to him, "Follow Me!" So he got up and followed Him. 10 While He was reclining at the table in the house, many tax collectors and sinners came as guests to eat with Jesus and His disciples. 11 When the Pharisees saw this, they asked His disciples, "Why does your Teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?"​
I have been transformed into love, it is not possible for me to do anything without love being a part.
It comes across, seemingly undetected by yourself, that you love yourself more than others.
You say we now have hope in the time since Jesus has died,
On the flip side are the conspiracy theories that you project, whether in despair or cynicism. God causes suffering as He is the cause of all things, and Christ Himself said to the women of Jerusalem on the way to Golgatha, "if this be done to the green wood, what of the dry?" He also assures that even if these things befall, he/she who follows Christ is blessed not only in this world, but in the one to come (world without end).

Clumping poverty together with illusions of grandeur concerning Vatican City is only promoting a lie. If this be your final analysis of the word Catholic and what it really means, I offer you my rope, stone, and sea to ease your pain.

St. Ignatius of Antioch first penned the word catholic to include all the teachings of Christ. St. Ignatius was the child Jesus lifted up in the Gospels. St. Peter, the first vicar of Christ, requested to be crucified upside down because he thought himself unworthy to be crucified in like manner of the Christ.
. . . so very simple . . .
Seemingly endless lists of gods and sub-gods without unity nor a prayer for such.

And it is written that Jesus, as a little boy, beat up bullies and made birds out of clay - the point : if some one tells you to stick your hand in the fire, you don't have to if you already know the outcome.
. . . the Christian Faithful

Chapter 20. Of the Senses, and Their Pleasures in the Brutes and in Man; And of Pleasures of the Eyes, and Spectacles.

For when God forbids us to kill, He not only prohibits us from open violence, which is not even allowed by the public laws, but He warns us against the commission of those things which are esteemed lawful among men. Thus it will be neither lawful for a just man to engage in warfare, since his warfare is justice itself, nor to accuse any one of a capital charge, because it makes no difference whether you put a man to death by word, or rather by the sword, since it is the act of putting to death itself which is prohibited. Therefore, with regard to this precept of God, there ought to be no exception at all; but that it is always unlawful to put to death a man, whom God willed to be a sacred animal.
. . . how can you say Buddha is a false Christ?
There is only one Christ, Jesus, who gave us His body and blood as expiation for sin on Calvary that we may live. Putting trust in anyone else, as Christ, is casting your pearls before swine.
Clumping poverty together with illusions of grandeur concerning Vatican City is only promoting a lie.

I clump poverty with the Vatican's position on human reproduction. The Vatican has caused more poverty by encouraging poor, destitute Catholics in 3rd world contries to "go forth and multiply" than any poverty it has alleviated through Catholic mission efforts.

What is very ironic to me, is someday when a future Pope changes direction and "allows" the use of birth control due to global overpopulation, all his Catholic faithful will line up behind the decision and wonder why they ever thought otherwise...

I wonder, Edward, have you really seen true poverty in this world? And when the Pope leaves Vatican City to visit a 3rd world country, do you think he witnesses the true poverty of a nation? If so, how can one witness such poverty and not attempt to address the root cause?
It comes across, seemingly undetected by yourself, that you love yourself more than others.
Should he love himself less than others?

And it is written that Jesus, as a little boy, beat up bullies and made birds out of clay - the point : if some one tells you to stick your hand in the fire, you don't have to if you already know the outcome. you categorize the apocryphal infant and youth stories as scriptural?

There is only one Christ, Jesus, who gave us His body and blood as expiation for sin on Calvary that we may live. Putting trust in anyone else, as Christ, is casting your pearls before swine.
How do you know this? Have you not put your trust in the authors the non eyewitness that speak of this Christ?

What is very ironic to me, is someday when a future Pope changes direction and "allows" the use of birth control due to global overpopulation, all his Catholic faithful will line up behind the decision and wonder why they ever thought otherwise...?
I believe probably 80% of the Catholics wish the church would get out of the birth control biz, the celibacy kick and start turnin in the pedophiles instead of playing the shell game....
the point : if some one tells you to stick your hand in the fire, you don't have to if you already know the outcome.
Tell that to a moth :rolleyes:

Which brings me to a Luciferian Gnosis . . . in the Garden of Eden story, God intended on keeping His flock in the dark about the reality of death. All the animals on earth are unaware of Time, they can not see forward to the facts of physical reality, most importantly their demise. Therefore, they are living in the Now, not knowing they are atrophying and will die, the Serpent (Lucifer) imparted this Knowledge to our Hero & Heroin so that they might make better use of their short life here and not waste it as Sheeple.
I wonder, Edward, have you really seen true poverty in this world? And when the Pope leaves Vatican City to visit a 3rd world country, do you think he witnesses the true poverty of a nation? If so, how can one witness such poverty and not attempt to address the root cause?
The Guiltless Founder was crucified to a tree for crimes He never committed. His second in command was crucified upside down. And to this day people still despise and hate Him.

It seems to me, you are the one who has not seen the real poverty.