What is it to be Moral, what is the standard?
Well an atheist would debate that, and I think they'd have a point.
Because the standard you're about to propose is a standard according to your a priori belief ... a circular argument.
One could argue morals are a social construct, driven by pragmatism and exigency.
I agree that stating a belief in a certain God given Message does not make one Moral, but it does give guidance on what the Standards are.
Assuming that your God-given message is the Standard.
I think one has to distinguish between societal moral values – murder, theft, etc, and particular religious moral standards which belong to a particular religious system – No other gods, and so forth.
Aspects of the OT endorse a
societal standard considered immoral and unacceptable today. As does the NT. Same applies to orthgodox Judaism, Catholicism, Islam and, indeed, Baha'i.
The societal standard is universal and independent of religion. The religious standard sits within a given paradigm – they apply and are justified and validated by that world view.
This is a proof given by the Messengers, they are the given standard.
Within a given world-view.
So all the Morals and ethics I can aspire to, have been lived and given by Baha'u'llah. Baha'u'llah gave his son Abdul'baha as an example for us all.
The world is full of examples.
I think if everyone followed the Golden Rule: 'Do unto others ...' then that would cover every societal situation, I would have thought.
But of course the Golden Rule says nothing about our relation to God. Our societal values may well impact on that relationship, but then that does seem pretty malleable – war, genocide, slavery, trade in human beings, etc., have all seemed acceptable at some point in time ...
One could reasonably argue that the Biblical 'Fall' can be appreciated as a transgression of the Golden Rule.