Kindest Regards, Paladin!
Well, this is the "liberal board," this should be a suitable place for such discussion. Afterall, you are exchanging views with one who is at least sympathetic to the orthodox cause.
Well, that's the problem with "what if" questions, they
do tend to keep people awake at night.
I do not
know that Arius *was* right, or wrong for that matter. The whole Gnostic tradition is just a scad outside the realm of my comfort zone, for no reason in particular. What is the old saying, "fear of the unknown?" I don't know that I fear Gnosticism so much as it just seems foreign and uncomfortable to me. It doesn't sit right, I can't seem to digest it.
Obviously there are others who deem Gnosis a valid path, and it is not mine to say yes or no
for them. But I must say yes or no for myself, and while I am mildly intrigued, I am not sufficiently so to actively pursue the philosophy.
The part I have most difficulty with in your statement above is the part of "aspiring" to this G-d / man union, as though "just any ol' body" could, or maybe even should, which inevitably leads to equating our self with the Divine. Perhaps the wisest understand that this is not the genuine meaning...but the common belief among common people is the distortion of either elevating their own persona / ego, or lowering the value of the ministry and person of Jesus. Or both. Perhaps I certainly happens. But this is what it seems I have experienced on a number of occasions.
I think I understand what you are saying, and even appreciate it to a point. However, after eating of the Tree of Knowledge, the way was deliberately blocked
by G-d to the Tree of Life. When we fell, regardless of why, we separated from G-d, true. G-d, for reasons only "He" can know, made things so that fallen man could not "easily" return to Him. This "hypostatic union" you speak of, may very well not even be meant for a "common human." Certainly not in the way I usually hear it promoted. Such union with the Divine is a rather rare occurance; there are only so many prophets, buddhas and messiahs, while there have been how many billions of common folk just trying to get by? What I wonder, is if the way is meant for a common person to presume a gift I know I have not been granted? (It feels like taking something that doesn't belong to me, stealing after a fashion...)
I want to agree with you, it would make my world so much easier. But I see apples and oranges. I see roosters and suns. I fail to see how categorizing within our mind, however that process may be distorted or polluted, in any way associates with making oneself Divine. Our separation is by the acts of Adam, if we may use the Monotheist Edenic Mythos. It happened long ago and the process is out of our hands. Done is done, one cannot be "just a little bit" pregnant. We do have choice, G-d allows us that. We can choose to draw
closer to Him (or not)...but the implication that we can
become Him just doesn't sit well in my craw.
Our hands are bloody because we must eat. Our hands are bloody because nature - beautiful, lovely, grand and exquisite nature - says we must. G-d created nature in all of it's glory and said "It is good." Now
I expect to draw fire for saying too much...
All seekers have thoughts that haunt them.
Else, they would cease to seek.