Salvation not restricted to Christains

Thank you Dondi for your viewpoint of an essence of Law... does God call it Holy in the Bible?

Here is another approach: This thread has fewer authors than the Bible... is it Holy? Is this rose garden of a forum Holy? Is this web site Holy? Is the Internet Holy? Would God judge any of them to be Holy?
Uh oh is this a legalism conversation??

No, Holy is as holy does...not the words written about it. Which brings us back to the original question. Is salvation not restricted to Christians...

I submit one who acts Christ like and lives Christ like, and seeks the grace of God as Christ instructed, would be saved, even though one might not be called "Christian", or know what the term "Christian" meant. It's just a title for a particular way of life and faith.
I submit one who acts Christ like and lives Christ like, and seeks the grace of God as Christ instructed, would be saved, even though one might not be called "Christian", or know what the term "Christian" meant. It's just a title for a particular way of life and faith.

... and that's a smile, beaming toward anyone that fits your description, Q - not me, just standing in the mirror! ;):D
Thank you Dondi for your viewpoint of an essence of Law... does God call it Holy in the Bible?

Here is another approach: This thread has fewer authors than the Bible... is it Holy? Is this rose garden of a forum Holy? Is this web site Holy? Is the Internet Holy? Would God judge any of them to be Holy?

Why are you hung up with the word Holy? Holiness means being set apart for God. Are you set apart for God? How would you know?
I submit one who acts Christ like and lives Christ like, and seeks the grace of God as Christ instructed, would be saved, even though one might not be called "Christian", or know what the term "Christian" meant. It's just a title for a particular way of life and faith.

I completely agree. I was trying to make that point, but you've said it better.
I submit one who acts Christ like and lives Christ like, and seeks the grace of God as Christ instructed, would be saved, even though one might not be called "Christian", or know what the term "Christian" meant. It's just a title for a particular way of life and faith.

Much laughter!
I submit one who acts Christ like and lives Christ like, and seeks the grace of God as Christ instructed, would be saved, even though one might not be called "Christian", or know what the term "Christian" meant. It's just a title for a particular way of life and faith.
I would add the word strives to in here and agree fully...strives to act and live Christ like...even if they know not who Christ is.

I'd say anyone who Knows (big K) who Christ is is Christian. Cause if you Know, then it is if you only know who Christ is, ie you are aware of who he is, or was on the periphery...and then there are those who have never heard the gospel...doesn't stop them from striving to be Christlike....
Christians have done an excellent job in the world. Where have they not heard of Jesus Christ?
China, India, Siberia, the Aleutian Islands, Africa, South America, Northern Canada...

Over three Billion people have yet to have heard of Christ. And it isn't for want of trying, but remoteness and governments prevent most contact...

As an example, I should add that 3/4s of Alaska, has never seen the face of modern's that big and wild.
Why are you hung up with the word Holy? Holiness means being set apart for God. Are you set apart for God? How would you know?
Because I think it is instructive to see that God would not place it next to the word Bible on a Bible, or next to the word Qur'an on a Qur'an... as he did not place it next to any of his own words, commandments, or statutes, etc... Especially those commandments on stone tablets, which were dropped and crumbled by Moses. Don't get me wrong... God is Holy. Individuals are Holy too. Books printed on dead trees are not, no matter who the author is.

Wil said:
I would add the word strives to in here and agree fully...strives to act and live Christ like...even if they know not who Christ is.

I'd say anyone who Knows (big K) who Christ is is Christian. Cause if you Know, then it is if you only know who Christ is, ie you are aware of who he is, or was on the periphery...and then there are those who have never heard the gospel...doesn't stop them from striving to be Christlike....
Yes, I agree.

Quahom1 said:
I submit one who acts Christ like and lives Christ like, and seeks the grace of God as Christ instructed, would be saved, even though one might not be called "Christian", or know what the term "Christian" meant. It's just a title for a particular way of life and faith.
Yes, I agree.
China, India, Siberia, the Aleutian Islands, Africa, South America, Northern Canada...

Over three Billion people have yet to have heard of Christ. And it isn't for want of trying, but remoteness and governments prevent most contact...

As an example, I should add that 3/4s of Alaska, has never seen the face of modern's that big and wild.

While this was true 10 years ago, I do not think that is true today. Do you have tangible proof?
Because I think it is instructive to see that God would not place it next to the word Bible on a Bible, or next to the word Qur'an on a Qur'an... as he did not place it next to any of his own words, commandments, or statutes, etc... Especially those commandments on stone tablets, which were dropped and crumbled by Moses. Don't get me wrong... God is Holy. Individuals are Holy too. Books printed on dead trees are not, no matter who the author is.

Ah yes, I can agree with that. What makes a book holy is it's use. You have people who have Bibles on their bookshelves collecting dust. The whole purpose of the scriptures is to engraft them into one's heart. Once there, the seeds of holiness will blossom.

One caveat, though. People have used scriptures for ill gain or malicious use (be it the Bible or the Quran). So that tell me that the mere words are not enough, there must be intent.
What does that mean though?
all those that died with the hope that god would bring us salvation, had hope in the lord, which would be the son of god, jesus christ, the messiah. they will be resurrected because christ has defeated death for those who put their faith in god, and they will see life.
those that believe that god sent his son to die for our sins and they repent of their sins are hidden in christ and are saved thru the grace of god and the blood of the lamb, and they will see life.
those that never heard of the lord, or have done evil, or heard of the lord yet denied the son of god will be judged, and that judge is jesus christ. no matter the way you live, what you believe in, all will stand before the throne of god and see jesus christ. He is the way, the truth, and the life.
those that never heard of the lord, or have done evil, or heard of the lord yet denied the son of god will be judged, and that judge is jesus christ. no matter the way you live, what you believe in, all will stand before the throne of god and see jesus christ. He is the way, the truth, and the life.

I think a huge mistake some people are making is trying to equate not knowing about Jesus Christ (this number is getting smaller and smaller all the time)with denying He exists or trying to make him equal to things lesser.

These are two totally different ball parks.

I wonder how people can think that God could be so cruel.
"This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all." 1 John 1:5
While this was true 10 years ago, I do not think that is true today. Do you have tangible proof?

Of course that is difficult, however I will point out the folks at WAVA in Washington, who specifically declare "Of the 130,000,000 Chinese" who are Christian, 70,000,000 have no bible to speak, it gives me pause to wonder: Out of 1.6 billion Chinese, only 130,000,000 are Christian?

Must not be doing much of a bang up job in a land that is populated with 20% of the earth's people.

No, Christians are not doing a good job of spreading the news, and in one Country, the evidence is paramount.

The fact is that Christians have become complacent...(let the media spread the word). We have LESS missionaries (by 50%), then we had ten years ago.

So, I disagree with your statement that Christians are doing a bang up job of spreading the news, and have the facts to back my thoughts up.

Christians are becoming "armchair warriors"...tough to swallow, but the truth.

