Cause and effect is not a pre-determiner of choice. Indeed choice is often a determiner of cause and effect.Please everbody listen to what I am saying. L I S T E N C A R E F U L L Y!!
I said free will is a myth. A myth made up by man.
OK one more time wait ,yall tell me what does free mean?
a. to relieve from constraint or restraint.
Everytime one makes a choice there is a reason why you made that choice. are yall still with me?
whatever choice you make there is something or someone causeing you to make that choice. (how about now)? cause and effect.
That is all that it means, someone or something causes you to make that choice you made. (THAT"S IT)!
Don't try to read between the lines. Just let the sentence interped itself.
If something or someone influence's a choice you made then it can not be a free choice, can it. (are yall still here)?
So class let's go over this one last time.
Your driving to the store it's right down the street,3 blocks away. you back out your driveway you go straight for one blk. you take a right at the stop sign. Then go one more blk and take a left, and there is the store. This time they had a car wreck at the last stop sign, so you had to detour and go right instead of left. You made the choice to take the detour and take the right instead of the left. (understand)?
The choice was yours to make therefore you are responsible not God. You could have just went back home. Instead you chose to keep on going by taking that right at the detour.
Cause and effect.
the cause for you choosing to take the detour was the wreck.
when something causes you to make that choice it can not be a free choice. (I hope yall are still with me).
Remember what I said at the beginning of my reply? free will is a myth, free choice is a myth.
it sooooooooooo simple. KISS (keep it simple stupid). If your choice or will is influenced by ANYONE or ANYTHIG in any way shape or form then it Can not be free. There's no (two) ways about it.
OK I tried to explain it as simply as possible.
1. God makes the circumstances we find ourselves in every moment of everyday. throughout that day we make all the choices. So we are responsible for our choices not God. God just creates the situations WE do the choosing. How can I say that any clearer. God creates the situation that we are in, (WE) do the choosing.
Ok, thanks everbody for this in dept discussion. I hope someone got something out of this. I know two things for sure.
1. there is a God
2. I am not He.
Thank all of you for a great time, I hope ta see ya on the flip side.
Man is born with the ability to make moral choices, and he is responsible for those choices. Adam and Eve had the ability to choose obedience, or disobedience. They already knew what the results of their choice would be, and were held accountable for those choices. (Genesis 3)
Their choices resulted in creating a cause and effect situation for them.
As far as your accident example, well some would turn left, right, go back home. But then some would sit their and wait, while others would go to assist at the accident.
The mountain ranges standing in front of pioneers was not a cause. The choice of the pioneers to tackle and pass the mountain ranges was made before attempting to cross them. The cause and effect (tackling the mountains and getting over them) was a result of choice, not the other way around.
There are many passages in the bible which specifically state that man has choice hence free will.
Fatalism is not a scriptural concept (except perhaps in Islam).
Soldiers in prisoner of war camps who refuse to have their wills broken by their captors, is definitely and exercise in "free will". The do not accept any of the choices they are offered by their keepers, and instead choose to do something the captors did not think was possible.
This discussion reminds me something a bit of "circular logic".
Cause and effect determines choice...vs. choice determines cause and effect.
In any event free will is not a myth, and neither is choice.