If... We had free will, god would have to change his will...? Where on earth do you get your references from? That's like saying... I am going to use my free will to break the law (mans laws) So the police, and the courts and the prisons and the judges are going to have to change their will to suit me.... Nah don't work that way, You either fit in with the big picture (YHWH's will) Or you don't simple as that... His will changes for none... Yet we still have free will!
I get my references from scriptue.
John 19,10:11 Then said Pilate unto him, speak you not unto me, know you not that I have power to release you? Jeaus ansewred you have no power at all against me except it were given you from above.
No man can come to ME except the Father Draws Him (drags is the correct translation) not draws.
John 5:3 I of myself can not do anything.
john 14:10 believe you not that I am in the Father and the Father in me, The words I speak unto you I speak NOT OF MYSELF, but MY FATHER who dwells in me HE ddoes the work.
Phil 2:13 For it is God which works in BOTH to WILL and to DO of His good Pleasure.
eph 1:11 In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of Him (God) who works all things after the counsel of His OWN WILL.
Eph 2:8 through grace you have been saved, through faith and that not of yourself it is the gift of God lest anyone should boast.
John 15:5 I am the vine you are the branches. He who abides in Me and I in him bears much fruit for without ME you can do NOTHING.
God does not make you do anything. You volunteer that is why we all will be judge by what we do.
God created man and man chooses what he does based on the strongest motivation in his heart.
Man has the ability to make choices he does not have the ability to make choices that are free from any causes. the cause of most of our choices is our mind and heart and of the abundance of our heart our mind thinks our tongue speaks and in our body we take physical action. This is how we make our own choices God creates the circumstances and we choose right or wrong good or evil we do the choosing.
Every choice we make had a cause. Something or someone caused the choices that we make.
You said God changes not. I agree. Yet we have free will. How does that work?
If God wills for you to be saved and you are not ready to be save you choose not now. Or God Wills you to go and work at a soup kitchen, but you have superbowl tickets can yo refuse to go to the soup kitchen?
If you hit the lotto and win a million dollars and it is God's will for you to give it to charity could you say no?
If God can not change and His will is always done then you would have to obey Him. If you did not do what God wanted then God would have to change His plan for you so that you could do what you wanted to do and not what He wanted to do.
So you said God's will never changes and you still have free will.
explaine that one. there is no way God's will never changes and ywet you have free will/choices. There is my scripture proving that there's no free will. That God's will is always done.