1914 ....A significant year in bible prophecy

Ok, let's see

Jehovah is God's only Name
God is not a Trinity
The Trinity is a pagan concept
Jesus is not God
Jesus is lesser than the father
Jesus was the Archangel Michael
The incarnate (human) Jesus did not have two natures
Jesus died on a stake
Jesus did not complete the work of salvation
Jesus did not physically rise from the dead
Jesus will not return at the second coming
The Holy Spirit is not a person
The Holy Spirit is not God
Salvation is not by grace through faith
Hell is not real
There is no conscious existence after death
Annihilationsim is true
There are two peoples of God
False Prophets are not recognizable
And there are Propetic dates that can be accurately set

Have I covered most of the core beliefs of the Jehovah's Witnesses?

many people think many things but not always according to accurate knowledge , are you after some accurate knowledge ?
many people think many things but not always according to accurate knowledge , are you after some accurate knowledge ?

Oh I research a great deal for "accurate" knowledge...rest assured mee.

And, you did not answer my question.
so what was this thread about ?

a very significant year in bible prophecy.

that would be 1914 then.

1914—A Year Marked by Bible Chronology and World Events

A key to understanding when Kingdom rule begins is found in the words of Jesus.

"Jerusalem will be trampled on by the nations," he said, "until the appointed times of the nations are fulfilled." (Luke 21:24)

Jerusalem was the only city in all the earth that was directly associated with God’s name. (1 Kings 11:36; Matthew 5:35)

It was the capital of a God-approved earthly kingdom.
That city was to be trampled on by the nations in that the rule by God over his people was to be interrupted by worldly governments.

When would this begin?

The last king to sit on Jehovah’s throne in Jerusalem was told: "Remove the turban, and lift off the crown. . . . It will certainly become no one’s until he comes who has the legal right, and I must give it to him." (Ezekiel 21:25-27)

The crown was to be lifted off the head of that king, and God’s rulership over His people was to be interrupted.

This happened in 607 B.C.E. when the Babylonians destroyed Jerusalem. During "the appointed times" that were to follow, God would not have a government on the earth to represent his rulership.

Only at the end of those times would Jehovah give the power to rule to the one "who has the legal right"—Jesus Christ. and it was in 1914

How long would that period be?

A prophecy in the Bible book of Daniel states: "Chop the tree down, and ruin it. However, leave its rootstock itself in the earth, but with a banding of iron and of copper . . . until seven times themselves pass over it." (Daniel 4:23)

"seven times" mentioned here are equal in length to "the appointed times of the nations."

Since the Messianic Kingdom has already been established in heaven, should we continue to pray for it to come, as taught by Jesus in the model prayer? (Matthew 6:9, 10)

Yes. That petition is proper and still full of meaning. God’s Kingdom will yet assert its full power toward this earth.

Ok, let's see

Jehovah is God's only Name
God is not a Trinity
The Trinity is a pagan concept
Jesus is not God
Jesus is lesser than the father
Jesus was the Archangel Michael
The incarnate (human) Jesus did not have two natures
Jesus died on a stake
Jesus did not complete the work of salvation
Jesus did not physically rise from the dead
Jesus will not return at the second coming
The Holy Spirit is not a person
The Holy Spirit is not God
Salvation is not by grace through faith
Hell is not real
There is no conscious existence after death
Annihilationsim is true
There are two peoples of God
False Prophets are not recognizable
And there are Propetic dates that can be accurately set

Have I covered most of the core beliefs of the Jehovah's Witnesses?

Bloo = ish
Green = yesh
red = our survey said? EEER EEER!
its all happening in this time of the end ,
1914 was the START OF THE LAST DAYS .

Now we are well along into bible prophecy, and the understanding is now ABUNDANTdaniel 12;4

Are you getting the sense of it ?:)
its all happening in this time of the end ,
1914 was the START OF THE LAST DAYS .

Now we are well along into bible prophecy, and the understanding is now ABUNDANTdaniel 12;4

Are you getting the sense of it ?:)
No, I'm concerned with God and people in the here and now.
Psalm 32:6 Therefore, let everyone who is goldy pray to you, while you may be found.

Looking ahead to the future instead of the now I feel is a bit out of our league.. For the present in my opinion is the time we must search for god, the present in my opinion is the time we must seek the approval of god, the present in my opinion is the time we must act upon the will of god, the present in my opinion is the time we must be the best we can (and the lord YHWH knows... That, it can at times be hard...) The future in my opinion, I feel is too little too late..
Psalm 32:6 For the present in my opinion is the time we must search for god, the present in my opinion is the time we must seek the approval of god, the present in my opinion is the time we must act upon the will of god, the present in my opinion is the time we must be the best we can (and the lord YHWH knows... That, it can at times be hard...) ..

very true indeed,

and if we do that , we will more than likely conceal ourselves.

Before [the] statute gives birth to [anything], [before the] day has passed by just like chaff, before there comes upon you people the burning anger of Jehovah, before there comes upon you the day of Jehovah’s anger, 3 seek Jehovah, all you meek ones of the earth, who have practiced His own judicial decision. Seek righteousness, seek meekness. Probably YOU may be concealed in the day of Jehovah’s anger. ZEPHENIAH 2;3-4
what the bible teaches

the Kingdom started to rule in 1914, and since then Satan has been cast out of heaven down to earth.—Revelation 12:9.

God’s Kingdom will soon destroy human governments, and the earth will become a paradise.—Revelation 16:14,

Every government that actually exists and functions has more than ambassadors.

It also has subjects.

True to pattern, God’s Messianic kingdom has for years, particularly since 1935, been gathering willing subjects, who desire to live forever on earth under the heavenly kingdom.

They have heard the Kingdom ambassadors preaching the good news about the kingdom matthew 24;14

From Bible prophecies they have learned that God’s Messianic kingdom is the only rightful government to take charge of all the earth after the coming "war of the great day of God the Almighty." So they have taken the steps to be reconciled to Jehovah God and his Messianic kingdom.

Let no one now be blinded by the Kingdom’s enemy, Satan the Devil.

Behold the evidence that God’s Messianic kingdom exists!

It is in power in the heavens since 1914.

It has since then been doing things, not just in the invisible heavens, but also here at the earth.

God’s kingdom by means of his Messiah, Christ, is now the biggest issue before all mankind in this time of decision.

The people of all nations are being divided over this issue,

Another prophecy, found in the ninth chapter of Daniel, focuses on the human arrival of the Messiah—the future King of God’s Kingdom—even pinpointing the very year of his appearance!

A time period of "seventy weeks" is involved. (Daniel 9:24-27)

It is generally recognized by Bible scholars that each day of those prophetic weeks is equal to one year.

Since one of Daniel’s prophecies correctly predicted the human arrival of the Messiah,

it should not be so unusual if another one of his prophecies predicted the invisible arrival of the Messiah, or Christ, in God’s heavenly Kingdom.

1914 marked the time when Christ began to rule as King in God’s heavenly government

When the Gentile Times ended, in 1914 ,Jehovah gave the power to rule to Jesus Christ

God’s rule was under restraint until the Gentile Times ended

The Watchtower magazine, as far back as December of 1879, pointed to 1914 as a marked date

and it was right :)

Decades before that date,(1914) there was an organization of people who were making known the significance of 1914.

The New York World of August 30, 1914, explains:

"The terrific war outbreak in Europe has fulfilled an extraordinary prophecy.

For a quarter of a century past, through preachers and through press, the ‘International Bible Students’ [Jehovah’s Witnesses] . . . have been proclaiming to the world that the Day of Wrath prophesied in the Bible would dawn in 1914. ‘Look out for 1914!’ has been the cry of the . . . evangelists


as mee can see JEHOVAHS WITNESSES kept awake and kept on the watch

1914—The Turning Point in History

Yes, one of the strong evidences that we are now living in the foretold crucial time of the end is seen in the moral breakdown among people.

Compare what you observe in the world with these prophetic words regarding our time:

"You must face the fact: the final age of this world is to be a time of troubles. Men will love nothing but money and self; they will be arrogant, boastful, and abusive; with no respect for parents, no gratitude, no piety, no natural affection; they will be implacable in their hatreds, scandal-mongers, intemperate and fierce, strangers to all goodness, traitors, adventurers, swollen with self-importance. They will be men who put pleasure in the place of God, men who preserve the outward form of religion, but are a standing denial of its reality."—2 Timothy 3:1-5, The New English Bible.

its all happening in the time of the end, and 1914 was the START of the last days and now we are well along into bible prophecy.

Yeah it's a very significant year especially in the isles of Fire (Isaiah 24:15), the Philippines. That year is the year of satan when a native church registered in the securities and exchange commission. This church which is "church of christ of Mr. Felix Manalo" claimed that Christ is never a god. AND this church now collaborated with the Interpol (Internationsl Police Organization) to chase Brother Eli Soriano, an international evangelist, who is now exposing the anomalies of that 1914 church.
mee is refering to the very significant year in bible prophecy and it is 1914 . Do not be misled to dismiss this very important year in bible prophecy