do you know God by name

I didnt know that JW's believed we have spirits??? How can one become a spiritual Jew? And where is "spiritual Jew" found in the bible?

"But you are ‘a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation [a consecrated nation; a dedicated nation], a people for special possession.’"—1 Peter 2:9, New World Translation; The Jerusalem Bible; The New English Bible.............................those who are spiritual Jews are spoken of here . this is the new nation of spiritualJews .......... the litral nation of Jews as a whole rejected Jesus , and the promise was given to the litral Jews with an
.............And now if you will strictly obey my voice .........Attached, but they rejected Gods representative who was Jesus and did not listen to him.

The new nation is the anointed Christian congregation, born at Pentecost 33 C.E. Its first members were Jewish disciples of Jesus who accepted him as their heavenly King. (Acts 2:5, 32-36) However, they were members of God’s new nation, not on the basis of their Jewish descent, but on the basis of faith in Jesus. Thus, this new Israel of God was something unique—a spiritual nation. When the majority of the Jews refused to accept Jesus, the invitation to be part of the new nation was extended to the Samaritans and then to the Gentiles. The new nation was called "the Israel of God."—Galatians 6:16.
Ok we are Christians right?

Here in the Christian we only believe in one G!d right?

So if we are talking about G!d's name...what would it be??

quote]As christians i would think we would all be looking to our bibles to know the name of the true God
PSALM 83;18
That people may know that you, whose name is Jehovah,
You alone are the Most High over all the earth.
(Isaiah 42:8) "I am Jehovah. That is my name; and to no one else shall I give my own glory, neither my praise to graven images.
(Psalm 68:4) Sing YOU to God, make melody to his name; Raise up [a song] to the One riding through the desert plains As Jah, which is his name; and jubilate before him;
In prayer to his heavenly Father, Jesus said: "I have made your name manifest to the men you gave me out of the world. . . . And I have made your name known to them and will make it known." (John 17:6, 26) It was not that his followers did not already know God’s name.
they saw this name both in their Hebrew Bible scrolls and in the Greek Bible translation they used. But as a result of Jesus’ teaching, the name took on added meaning—just as it had done as a result of Jehovah’s acts back in Moses’ day. Jesus marvelously expanded our knowledge and appreciation of Jehovah, of his personality and of his purposes. We know Jehovah’s name in a far grander way through Jesus, who said: "What I teach is not mine, but belongs to him that sent me." Jesus provided the ransom and the way of approach to the Father. Thus Jesus said: "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."—John 7:16; 14:6.
Ok we are Christians right?

Here in the Christian we only believe in one G!d right?

So if we are talking about G!d's name...what would it be??

As christians i would think we would all be looking to our bibles to know the name of the true God
There is also evidence from sources outside the Bible of the extensive use of the divine name in ancient times.
I sure wish you'd make up your mind. And from your JW link...
On its walls were Hebrew inscriptions that appear to date from the second half of the eighth century B.C.E. The inscriptions contain statements such as "Jehovah is the God of the whole earth."
Are you serious....I'd love to see that English carved in stone BCE!!

I'm just confused...first you say rather than YHWH or I Am we should use a contemporary English name...but G!d must be too we pick Jehovah and want the world to see as we do...still confuses me as to why when so many JW predictions and statements have come and gone...

I mean I honestly believe your belief is for you...but contemplate as to why you feel the need to constantly witness to us...none of your brethren last this long at my door.
So if we are talking about G!d's name...what would it be??

Chidanandaroopa? Rudra Brahman? Nataraja? Shiva? Yah? El?


But here we are discussing Jehova, Yahweh, Elohem, Iehova...

For the life of me I don't think G!d cares what we say...

Sometimes I call God Nancy...
just to see if (S)He's paying any attention. :p :D

Okay, okay... I'm leaving the Xian forum now...

Sometimes I call God Nancy...
just to see if (S)He's paying any attention. :p :D

Okay, okay... I'm leaving the Xian forum now...

I just call Him "Sir" when in doubt. If He is a She, I'll be corrected post haste I should think...;)


Kindest Regards, Mee!
The Divine Name Through the Ages - Jehovah's Witnesses Official Web Site
There is also evidence from sources outside the Bible of the extensive use of the divine name in ancient times.
Disregarding for the moment the bias of your source, I know immediately that it is inaccurate due to the fact of the use of the letter "J." The Moabites, the letter of Lachish, etc., could not use that form of the name as it did not exist...kinda like riding in on a blazing white stallion unicorn...sounds great and looks fantastic, until one realizes unicorns don't exist. The sound associated with the letter "J" is fairly unique to English, and modern English at that. In German, for instance, the "J" is pronounced as a "Y." So the "scholarship" you refer to here is simply not accurate, rather seems to be attempting to circumvent the historic and linguistic reality in an effort to support a bias. Rather like leading the "facts" to the conclusion, rather than following the facts to where they actually lead. Perhaps that stallion was really a mare, perhaps the blazing white was really a dusty dappled roan, and the mythological unicorn was certainly fable to appeal to our superstitious nature as we mytholize our heroes. Granted, the path JW's take "appears" to attempt to circumvent the mythological / superstitious aspect...but the simple truth is that the JW doctrine only replaces the "standard" mythos with a "new and improved" mythos...but it is still mythos. ;) :D
Kindest Regards, Mee!

Disregarding for the moment the bias of your source, I know immediately that it is inaccurate due to the fact of the use of the letter "J." The Moabites, the letter of Lachish, etc., could not use that form of the name as it did not exist...kinda like riding in on a blazing white stallion unicorn...sounds great and looks fantastic, until one realizes unicorns don't exist. The sound associated with the letter "J" is fairly unique to English, and modern English at that. In German, for instance, the "J" is pronounced as a "Y." So the "scholarship" you refer to here is simply not accurate, rather seems to be attempting to circumvent the historic and linguistic reality in an effort to support a bias. Rather like leading the "facts" to the conclusion, rather than following the facts to where they actually lead. Perhaps that stallion was really a mare, perhaps the blazing white was really a dusty dappled roan, and the mythological unicorn was certainly fable to appeal to our superstitious nature as we mytholize our heroes. Granted, the path JW's take "appears" to attempt to circumvent the mythological / superstitious aspect...but the simple truth is that the JW doctrine only replaces the "standard" mythos with a "new and improved" mythos...but it is still mythos. ;) :D
Hmmm, I need a degree to point out with poignance what you just pointed out? guess I better get back to university...(lol) :D:D:D
Kindest Regards, wil!
Here in the Christian we only believe in one G!d right?

So if we are talking about G!d's name...what would it be??
That's just BB and others have pointed to numerous times, G-d has multiple names given that "He" fills multiple roles. However, not being privvy to His "given" name in the native tongue, I cannot state with anything close to sincerity as to what exactly His given Name actually is. But I have seen enough to believe that I have a general impression what direction...and it most certainly without any doubt does not begin with a "J."

I'd love to see that English carved in stone BCE!!
That's my point, not only was there no letter "J," there was no *sound* "J," particularly in the Middle Eastern Semitic languages.

I'm just confused...first you say rather than YHWH or I Am we should use a contemporary English name...but G!d must be too we pick Jehovah and want the world to see as we do...still confuses me as to why when so many JW predictions and statements have come and gone...
There is a distinction between the two things...the Name has nothing to do with failed prophecies, these are two inherently different arguments. Being correct on one aspect would hold no bearing on the other aspect, the two are unrelated...other than casting doubt in a person's mind. Even a blind pig can find a truffle now and then.

I mean I honestly believe your belief is for you...but contemplate as to why you feel the need to constantly witness to us...none of your brethren last this long at my door.
In mee's defense, I have seen a few typos and grammatical glitches to believe that a lot of what mee is posting is actually mee's personal observations...not simply and totally C&P of corporate dogma. "Witnessing" ends up being a bit of a subjective term...are we not *all* here witnessing to one another? Are we not all uplifting and encouraging one another in the Spirit and in the Word? Are we not all bringing to light the truth to one another? Why is it then fair for us to witness to mee, and not allow mee to witness to us in return?

Besides, I think mee provides a good counterpoint to the overall mix on the Christianity board. Stick to your guns mee! I'm glad you have lasted longer here than those who visit wil's door.
yes, I have a personal relationship with the OT jehovah too- i hate him, and try my best to annoy him when I can... jehovah, for me, from the OT, is not worthy of my worship- he is a mean spirited god, a child murderer, who persecutes ppl for being imperfect, even though he made them that way in the first place... he has no love in him, but expects u to do as ur told regardless... he stinks...

and yet- the jehovah I find in judaism is more well rounded- sure, he's still a bit of a meanie, sometimes, but he is also kind, and interesting, and he has more facets there, more joyful turns and more noble angles... he's a more lovable Jehovah there, I think... a more real God, and a more worthy God...

for me, there is only one god, yet that God has many names, many faces, not just one face, not just one name, but all, at once... the Lord of the meeting rivers, the Lord of the dance, God is enough of a name, any more than that is just supposition...

arjuna on the battlefield of kurukshetra says: show urself, Krsna, and so Krsna does, and Arjuna cries like a girl and says, I cant handle all that, pls come bk to ur two armed form...

so Krsna does... the moral to the tale is... what u think is God is not even the half of it... and, if God is omnipresent, and omnipotent, then God is everything and nothing and everywhere and nowhere all at the same time...

...and that'll blow ur mind...
Hmmm, I need a degree to point out with poignance what you just pointed out? guess I better get back to university...(lol) :D:D:D

I guess it depends on your comfort level...if you are comfortable with the level of truth behind the mythos, you should be just fine.

Ecclesiastes 12:12 And further, by these, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh.

Ecclesiastes 12:13 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.

Ecclesiastes 12:14 For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.
yes, I have a personal relationship with the OT jehovah too- i hate him, and try my best to annoy him when I can... jehovah, for me, from the OT, is not worthy of my worship- he is a mean spirited god, a child murderer, who persecutes ppl for being imperfect, even though he made them that way in the first place... he has no love in him, but expects u to do as ur told regardless... he stinks...

and yet- the jehovah I find in judaism is more well rounded- sure, he's still a bit of a meanie, sometimes, but he is also kind, and interesting, and he has more facets there, more joyful turns and more noble angles... he's a more lovable Jehovah there, I think... a more real God, and a more worthy God...

for me, there is only one god, yet that God has many names, many faces, not just one face, not just one name, but all, at once... the Lord of the meeting rivers, the Lord of the dance, God is enough of a name, any more than that is just supposition...

arjuna on the battlefield of kurukshetra says: show urself, Krsna, and so Krsna does, and Arjuna cries like a girl and says, I cant handle all that, pls come bk to ur two armed form...

so Krsna does... the moral to the tale is... what u think is God is not even the half of it... and, if God is omnipresent, and omnipotent, then God is everything and nothing and everywhere and nowhere all at the same time...

...and that'll blow ur mind...

Good thing God doesn't hate you...infact, He loves you...kinda like pounding on dad's chest in frustration and anger...he can take it, yet his arms are still around you...holding you steady.


Ok we are Christians right?

Here in the Christian we only believe in one G!d right?

So if we are talking about G!d's name...what would it be??

I sure wish you'd make up your mind. And from your JW link... Are you serious....I'd love to see that English carved in stone BCE!!

I'm just confused...first you say rather than YHWH or I Am we should use a contemporary English name...but G!d must be too we pick Jehovah and want the world to see as we do...still confuses me as to why when so many JW predictions and statements have come and gone...

I mean I honestly believe your belief is for you...but contemplate as to why you feel the need to constantly witness to us...none of your brethren last this long at my door.
we use Jehovah because it is English , and the name is in there ,
Today, it is rendered differently according to the language of the reader of the Bible.
While many translators favor the pronunciation Yahweh, the New World Translation and also a number of other translations continue the use of the form Jehovah because of people’s familiarity with it for centuries. Moreover, it preserves, equally with other forms, the four letters of the Tetragrammaton, YHWH or JHVH.
Is it, then, wrong to use a form like Yahweh? Not at all.
The important thing is that we use the name and declare it to others. "Give thanks to Jehovah, you people! Call upon his name. Make known among the peoples his dealings. Make mention that his name is put on high."—Isaiah 12:4.
for me, there is only one god, yet that God has many names, many faces, not just one face, not just one name, but all, at once... the Lord of the meeting rivers, the Lord of the dance, God is enough of a name, any more than that is just supposition...

There is that quote from Friedrich Nietzsche, the famous atheist who says something along the lines of "I would believe in God, if only He danced!".

Well according to some accounts He does ;) ...

... Neemai
yes, I have a personal relationship with the OT jehovah too- i hate him, and try my best to annoy him when I can... jehovah, for me, from the OT, is not worthy of my worship- he is a mean spirited god, a child murderer, who persecutes ppl for being imperfect, even though he made them that way in the first place... he has no love in him, but expects u to do as ur told regardless... he stinks...

and yet- the jehovah I find in judaism is more well rounded- sure, he's still a bit of a meanie, sometimes, but he is also kind, and interesting, and he has more facets there, more joyful turns and more noble angles... he's a more lovable Jehovah there, I think... a more real God, and a more worthy God...

for me, there is only one god, yet that God has many names, many faces, not just one face, not just one name, but all, at once... the Lord of the meeting rivers, the Lord of the dance, God is enough of a name, any more than that is just supposition...

arjuna on the battlefield of kurukshetra says: show urself, Krsna, and so Krsna does, and Arjuna cries like a girl and says, I cant handle all that, pls come bk to ur two armed form...

so Krsna does... the moral to the tale is... what u think is God is not even the half of it... and, if God is omnipresent, and omnipotent, then God is everything and nothing and everywhere and nowhere all at the same time...

...and that'll blow ur mind...

Just curious to know what you have done and such that makes you qualified to be the judge of gods... :)
or Yahweh?

the name Jehovah appears in the King James Version and other Bible translations,psalm 83;18 some prefer to use the name Yahweh instead of Jehovah. Which name is correct?
The most ancient Bible manuscripts were written in the Hebrew language. In the Hebrew Scriptures, the divine name occurs almost 7,000 times and is spelled with four consonants—YHWH or JHVH. These four-consonant words are commonly called the Tetragrammaton, or Tetragram, derived from two Greek words meaning "four letters." Now the question of accurate pronunciation arises because early Hebrew writing consisted of consonants with no vowels to guide the reader. So whether the pronunciation of the Tetragrammaton becomes Yahweh or Jehovah depends on which vowels the reader supplies to the four consonants. Today many Hebrew scholars prefer Yahweh as the true pronunciation.​
However, consistency favors Jehovah. In what way? The pronunciation Jehovah has been accepted in English for centuries. Those who object to using this pronunciation should also object to the use of the accepted pronunciation Jeremiah and even Jesus. Jeremiah would need to be changed to Yir·meyah´ or Yir·meya´hu, the original Hebrew pronunciations, and Jesus would become Ye·shu´a‛ (Hebrew) or I·e·sous´ (Greek). Hence, many Bible students, including Jehovah’s Witnesses, feel that consistency favors the use of the already well-known English-language "Jehovah" and its equivalent in other languages.
Kindest Regards, mee!
or Yahweh?

the name Jehovah appears in the King James Version and other Bible translations,psalm 83;18 some prefer to use the name Yahweh instead of Jehovah. Which name is correct?
The most ancient Bible manuscripts were written in the Hebrew language. In the Hebrew Scriptures, the divine name occurs almost 7,000 times and is spelled with four consonants—YHWH or JHVH. These four-consonant words are commonly called the Tetragrammaton, or Tetragram, derived from two Greek words meaning "four letters." Now the question of accurate pronunciation arises because early Hebrew writing consisted of consonants with no vowels to guide the reader. So whether the pronunciation of the Tetragrammaton becomes Yahweh or Jehovah depends on which vowels the reader supplies to the four consonants. Today many Hebrew scholars prefer Yahweh as the true pronunciation.​
However, consistency favors Jehovah. In what way? The pronunciation Jehovah has been accepted in English for centuries. Those who object to using this pronunciation should also object to the use of the accepted pronunciation Jeremiah and even Jesus. Jeremiah would need to be changed to Yir·meyah´ or Yir·meya´hu, the original Hebrew pronunciations, and Jesus would become Ye·shu´a‛ (Hebrew) or I·e·sous´ (Greek).

Have I not already stated as much in this thread, some things almost explicitly and nearly verbatim?

[Hence, many Bible students, including Jehovah’s Witnesses, feel that consistency favors the use of the already well-known English-language "Jehovah" and its equivalent in other languages.
The trouble with this comment is that it does not follow the logic. I have already stated that if one is insistent on proper pronunciation of one name, then to be consistent one must properly pronounce *all* names. I am not the one insisting that a name starting with a "j" is "the one and only" Name of the Most High, nor of anybody else in the Bible. So, if one now insists on using a corrupted Name for the Most High, using that same insistance to use modern english corruptions of other names and insisting they are also the "correct" names, suggesting that "many Bible students" agree with this use of corruption, and then using underlying subtlety to suggest this promotes a purified or cleansed doctrine; then the logical conclusion in my mind is that some form of deception is afoot. Speaking scholar to scholar, truth seeker to truth seeker. Therefore the only "scholars" surrendering to modern usage are either lazy or ill-informed, or *very* new to the field and unfamiliar with the specifics and historic details.

No sincere Biblical scholar of my acquaintance makes any such suggestion that the Name of the Most High begins with a "j". None. No exceptions. Any genuine linguistic scholar knows the historic circumstances surrounding the development of the english alphabet, including the late date for inclusion of the letter "j". Any linguistic scholar worthy of the title knows that a name, any name, cannot begin with the sound we associate with the letter "j" prior the the mid-1500's, *AD*. The claim to "centuries" of use of the letter "j" is a little stretched wool trying to cover eyes, particularly in light of the *fact* that the *more* proper pronunciation is thousands of years old.

I respect you Mee. I respect your right to disagree with me. I also find it more than just a little disingenuous to take my argument against you, and attempt to turn it back on me with such a subtle suggestion as to claim that linguistic scholarship knows about the "j" issue but chooses (prefers?) to overlook it. Once again, what I see is one taking the "facts" and manipulating them to suit an agenda. That is not scholarship. Even more important, that is not truth.

Be that as it have my permission, such as it is, to continue using the corrupted english name "Jehovah." There is a certain immunity with ignorance. We are not held accountable for those things we do not understand.